What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #293484

      What resonated me the most from the previous course was the discussion on the path of pain/suffering vs. the path of light. I also like the idea of the collective soul and what that means for us as a global society and how we can use that information in order to bring us back into harmony with the creator. I’m hoping this course provides some practical teachings to help me walk the path of light and reach equivalence of form so that I can transform my own life into one of happiness and abundance and help others do the same.

    • #293296
      Delayne Mohammed

      I loved learning that some of the Kabbalah beliefs are similar to my Christian beliefs. I expect to learn more and to mirror the love I have for myself with the love I have for others. Though it may be difficult, I must learn to love others in a pure and just way because it is not only a Kabbalah experience but also a Christian commandment.

    • #293212

      I found the idea that the Creator conceals himself and that there is a reason that the Creator is so hard to sense. This knowledge was helpful and eye opening.

    • #293089
      Maria Memoli

      After watching the preparation videos, my expectation from the course is getting the tools to be able to “invert an enemy into a lover”.

      My strong ego have always limited my connections with others. Through my ego I built all my strengths, that are also my “weapons”…

      “The Creator is treating me through the entire world, with the utmost Love”.

      He deserves to be reciprocated…

      Thank you


    • #293045
      Maria Memoli

      My best experience was to know that exists only one reality, only one actor and one power. Nothing can go against Nature, since there’s none else besides him. What we can perceive of the reality is the quality of the Creator and the qualities of the creatures. Our responsibility is in the intention not in our actions. The intention to desire to Bestow…that 6th sense that would help me to perceive what’s outside of me, that “hidden” state of reality, that actually is not hidden. I only perceive it in that way, based on my current level of spiritual development.

      My joy is in the fulfilling of Life as a whole. All my actions are now on the behalf of others, of the Collective Soul. In this condition I have a similar attitude of the Creator. This is the way I will express the similarity of form to Him.

      It’s like continuously reaching Love in my heart…


    • #293040
      James Wright

      It’s hard to pinpoint an exact experience which was the best from the last course, however I have noticed that my relationships have been improving and I’m beginning to see others in the world as part of myself in a way, as more of a felt experience rather than an intellectual one. I am hoping to learn some practical methods to increase my perception of the spiritual and true reality.

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