What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 283 through 288 (of 375 total)
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    • #284853
      dree monster

      What was my best experience from the previous course?

      a change in my preception

      What do I expect from this course?

      to attain qualities of the creator and connection with others

    • #284756
      Yvon Decelles

      What was my best experience from the previous course?

      The screen as a perspective modifier.

      What do I expect from this course?

      Practical tools?

    • #284528

      Best? Purpose,and a community/environment  where I can realize that purpose.  Expect?  To learn the correct way to relate and participate with others to fulfill that purpose

    • #284423

      My best experience from the last course was to learn the introductory fundamental principles of Kabbalah with people from around the world. I am really excited in keep deepening my knowledge in Kabbalah, particularly in the praxis-practical dimension. In other words, how to start putting this experiential knowledge into action, while at the same time, keep growing in it.

    • #284110

      Strangely I cannot say what my best experience was.  Maybe the fact that I realized that there is a wisdom out there that I am slowly taking knowledge of and that is bringing me new fulfilling insights.

    • #283890
      T C

      My best experience from the previous course was just how intuitive the information was. When I would hear about creation and how things are structured, I was like, “Yeah, this makes perfect sense, and closes the loop on a lot of ideas I previously had.” What I’m looking forward to in this course is to (1.) expand on some of those concepts we learned in the previous 2 courses, and (2.) learn some practical ways to put into practice what is taught.

Viewing 6 posts - 283 through 288 (of 375 total)
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