What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 289 through 294 (of 445 total)
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    • #303882
      Tracey N

      The article “There is none else besides Him” was, by far, the most impactful part of the previous course. I read it every day.

      I look forward to this course and expect to learn how to implement the method.

    • #303642

      My inner self organizes the concepts i learned over my life through the help of light coming through this course. I manage to organize this into visual structures/objects of data that actually makes sense when i look at them with my inner eye from the centre of my mind. The fractal nature of these structures made of multiple partzuf (5x5x5) has me often perplexed and lost in the vastness of it’s Meta nature.
      I don’t fully understand the process of the Gmar Tikkun, and Tzimzums, but part of me just gets it and the other part of me (the animate level) is trembling at becoming obsolete.
      With the help of this course I expect to develop a solid foundation/roots for my soul in the upper worlds and grow branches of it from there into our world!

    • #302562

      My best experience from Kabbalah Revealed is the change of perception and i expect the learning to continue.

    • #302300

      The previous course took me to yet unchartered landscapes of understanding—but it was very theoretical and pretty arcane at times.
      Now I expect to learn the practical details of kabbalah.
      Thank you.

    • #302196

      My best experience from the previous course was after attempting to learn Kabbalah both on my own and through other traditions resulting in some confusion, was to already receive answers to some of my questions  and a new sense of direction.

      I expect from this course to learn of the methods for placing the Wisdom of Kabbalah into practice (action).

    • #302028
      Natalie Steenbok

      I was truly blown away by the in-depth, yet practicality of this wisdom. I hope to climb and reach a deeper fruitful understanding of this wisdom,

Viewing 6 posts - 289 through 294 (of 445 total)
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