What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #299886

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>My best experience from the last course was that the four levels of creation according to kabbalah; I found them fascinating. I expect from this course to know more practical aspects of kabbalah.</p>

    • #299648

      My best experience from the previous course? Feeling like I understand why I exist. That’s pretty reaffirming. Feeling peace. That’s always amazing and won’t ever get old.


      I expect (and am very excited about) learning how a Kabbalist prays. Also, I’m curious about the Kabbalist toolkit.

    • #299544

      My best experience was getting to know who the Creator is, as the whole of Reality; and getting to know my self as an integral part of that Reality with a designated role to perform for the good of the whole.

      From this course, i expect to keep un-learning every inherited lies and errors and hope to progress in my spiritual development to the level of attainment of equivalence of form with the Light Force of the Creator.

      I anxiously anticipate what is in stock.

    • #299438
      Marko Podgorsek

      My thinking changed. I look at things and events from different perspective. I always ask myself what is a purpose of the thing/event from the perspective of a Creator.

      I had a need in me to get to this course and that KB1 and KB2 were only the necessities to get to here. Just by watching the video on the previous step I got goosebumps. I expect this course to clarify the practical aspect of the Wisdom and make me crave for the connection with you all.

    • #299114

      Learning. Learning more!

    • #298937

      I have trouble finding something to say. I am happy to learn as much as I able. Thank you.

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 447 total)
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