What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 307 through 312 (of 447 total)
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    • #298874

      My best experience from the previous course was realizing that I am beginning to understand some of the concepts that seemed confusing to me when I started. From this course, I expect to deepen my understanding and to further connect with the Creator (and others).

    • #297923

      I expect to continue my journey of correction perhaps with additional focus throughout the days as to where to place my attention more effectively to assist in a “quickening.” In all my decades of metaphysical and spiritual studies, I find the terminologies and wisdom of authentic Kabbalah to represent a most complete picture of methodologies and ideas to awaken our development of equivalency of form with our Creator.


    • #297771
      Tove Jo

      Al corso precedente mi e piaciuto sapere che c e una strada ben preciso, correzione  per  l umanità rimettere questa mondo in ordine come previsto dal inizio della creazione.

      Aspetto da questo corso di entrare piu profondo dentro per capire e sentire un cambiamento in me stessa e anche integrare con altri per poter fare qualcosa anche per altri  che vogliano migliorarsi e fare qualcosa per l altri.

    • #297656
      Purity K

      My best experience from the previous course was  learning about the absolute power “There Is None Else Besides Him” and that the root of suffering lies with the ego.

      From this course, I expect to learn how to use the ego correctly and how to pray a prayer that the Creator will hear and answer.

    • #297653
      Abe Tapia

      A deeper understanding of the four spiritual worlds. I am  looking forward to the topic of prayer. Kabbalah is awesome 👌. Keep does lessons coming. We will succeed.

    • #296380

      Hello. To learn about Adam haRishon was shattered, the life of this world, and rebuilt it going up.

      This world has alot of pain and suffering. I hope to learn the rules to find the Upper light.

Viewing 6 posts - 307 through 312 (of 447 total)
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