What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #281667

      I really appreciated that I could study at my own pace as this allowed me to work around my weekly commitments. I also enjoyed reading through the forums.

    • #281501

      To define one experience as best over all the experiences from last course is all but impossible for me. There were so many great experiences of connection with material, instructors, and student forums. So if I choose to label a best experience it would have to be the interweaving theme of connection.

      I normally refrain from placing expectations on things but I will answer the question with; I will do my most to engage with what is to come. The expectation will be on my effort.

    • #281464

      Well, every course I am taking with KabU, every topic has been amazing. It’s been like seeing for the first time. I am learning a lot of concepts so far and I am very excited to start conciliating the concepts with real life and practice it.

    • #281393
      Maria B. W12

      The thirst for more. It is unquenchable. Now the desire for becoming practical is added and I look forward to learning about that!

    • #281158

      moments from the last course that really stuck out to me was being able to feel the sensation that i’m a fractal of a whole, for just a moment i felt a sensation of oneness that i had not quite felt before.
      i’m looking forward to learning more on how to apply kabbalah in action.

    • #281089
      Innocent Mushiya

      The experience has been wholesome learning what i have come to know,the reality is coming clear to me with each course from kabbalah revealed 1&2 now looking forward learn even more from kabbalah in action.

Viewing 6 posts - 367 through 372 (of 445 total)
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