What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #283707

      Del curso anterior aprendí varios conceptos alucinantes  y nuevos para mí, los que estoy aún tratando de interiorizar, tales como la unidad del Creador, la percepción de la realidad, las fases de la luz y el ocultamiento y revelación. Del curso actual espero comenzar a ponerlos en práctica para continuar el recorrido espiritual por los 125 peldaños de la escalera.

    • #282847
      Ali Nadalipour

      Very tangible the course is .not just theory

    • #282763

      very excited to finally apply all the concepts of Kabbalah revealed

    • #281790

      I was able to understand Kabbalah theoretically at my own pace.. It sometimes gave me surprises answering to my long unanswered questions which was confusing me in my entire life..

      Now from this course I am exited to learn how to implement those wisdom and to lead a new life..

    • #281771

      My best experience from the previous course was to realise how my personal change can affect to the rest of the world, knowing that in every single living being on Earth, within them dwells a tiny part of me and viceversa.


      From this course I expect to be best prepared to my upcoming stage of working with a ten.

    • #281733

      I like how the courses build on each other. Every step has been prepared for us. THANK YOU!!!!

      Previously to Kabbalah, I found quite a few “wisdoms” that all tell us what we have to do and it is not very different from what kabbalists are aiming for. The difference here is that we also learn HOW to do it. In a comprehensible language.

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