Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

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    • #295493

      I believe that our coming to this part of the universe makes us to become cocreators with the creators to further creation. With that mission we are endowed with special or divine gifts and powers or abilities to manifest whatever we were expected to do here with God in us. For us then to actualize and manifest we need to live consciously and creatively and for that to happen, there is the need for us to live intentionally. To live intentionally then entails us to DECIDING and INTENDING and this involves free will . it must be clear to us that even at this level , we still require divine guidance to empower to make the right choice. Free will is needed to make choice .

      When we are divinely aligned with our Creator, I can say free will is real , without which it’s just an illusion that leads to pain and suffering.

      Jesus said it, that on my own I can do nothing, unless by the will of the Father in me.

    • #294006
      Tove Jo

      capisco che posso scelgiere i miei amici e il mio ambiente…

    • #292998
      Zealot Mines

      Free will is an illusion as defined by my current 5 senses.


    • #289812

      I don’t feel like the individual has free will, but I guess there is some free will in choosing aspects of our environment (the books we read, the company we keep, etc.).

    • #289535

      There was a time I believed that the proof of free will was the fact that we can choose to learn or stay ignorant. With the amount of knowledge and wisdom that is at our fingertips with the internet, it would seem that those who are in “the dark” so to speak, have willfully chosen to do what is simple and comfortable — stay in ignorant bliss. Now, I can see that there are factors outside/beyond ourselves that influence if we are ready to receive knowledge and wisdom. It doesn’t make one better than others, it just means for that person, it is time. And if these influences (sometimes referred to as serendipitous connections) come at the proper time (“when the student is ready, the Master appears”), then it isn’t really a choice at all, and my so-called proof of free will falls by the wayside.

    • #289466
      Bonnie A. Bus

      <span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Nu ik begrijp hoe het in de Kaballah werkt, zie ik dat ik met mijn hele ‘zijn’ een tool ben, die gelukkig wordt, als ik mijn capaciteiten ontplooi voor de ander.</span></span>

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