Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 186 total)
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    • #289465
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Nu ik begrijp hoe het in de Kaballah werkt, zie ik dat ik met mijn hele ‘zijn’ een tool ben, die gelukkig wordt, als ik mijn capaciteiten ontplooi voor de ander.

    • #289391

      We often have a sense of free will, or freedom to choose, but we never have control over the outcome. We are free to choose our environment and just where we live but who we gather with, what we consume, what we choose to learn and from whom. Even in the belief of free will many choose bondage as freedom is really obedience and not the pursuit of our disordered affections.

    • #288058
      Adelina Santos

      Our free will is only in the action of choosing a good environment. We have the illusion that we have free will in actions like choosing what to eat, if we decide in any situation of the physical world, etc.

    • #287103

      I see free will as the ability to choose.  But can I really fully choose? If what I can choose between is fixed then I can only choose between those items available to me. Which is only the free choice of choosing what is provided to me. Not total free choice.

    • #287040
      David J

      Our perception of free will exist in our material world? Our free will is the point in the ❤ choosing to ask the Creator to help us achieve spirituality?

    • #286636

      Our free will is to choose to develop self-consciousness/ awareness and qualities of giving rather than taking to fulfill our desires. We can make a choice to develop receptivness and discover Creator or keep on getting stuck in our illusions and egoistic patterns.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 186 total)
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