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  • ahuz ziaf

    Don’t take disagreements/criticisms personally, everything happens to further our human development, it’s merely the physical manifestation of the creator nudging us towards the right path. Every disagreement with your partner is an opportunity to rise above the ego and to view/solve the issue objectively. Disagreements could be made less frequent if we take the time to proactively identify and discuss each other’s own egoistic tendencies and accept them with love as the exercise suggests

    ahuz ziaf

    My understanding is to listen to your partner and expand your ‘shared space’ beyond judgement or trying to provide a solution for their problems right away. Let them open up to you and focus on creating a ‘map’ of them so you can learn to navigate through them not only with objectivity that comes from natural laws and rationality but also with love and consideration for their specific needs as an individual ( the list would be useful here) and then eventually move towards a solution or a way forward in a  natural way.

    ahuz ziaf

    Negative situations are normal and can be used for growth if overcome correctly with your partner through love and understanding and not the ego. I will be applying the smiling tip more in my daily routine

    ahuz ziaf

    I feel relieved hearing that the ego is normal and should be treated objectively, I have struggled with feelings of shame related to my ego in past relationships, which hurt the relationship and my inner self greatly as I’m either denying or justifying or trying to hide my egoistic desires or motivations from my self and others as a result of feeling deep shame about it. Its good to be aware that it’s completely natural and what really matters is accepting it and correcting these tendencies openly and objectively within the relationship and encouraging your partner to do the same without judgment, and as a result truly overcoming the ego collectively with your partner

    ahuz ziaf

    Change must be mutual. Do your best to support and accommodate any changes you wish to see in your partner with compassion, do it as a whole for the whole. Love your partner as yourself

    ahuz ziaf

    English version: I focused on grasping the meaning of the words and trying to connect it with the intention. What came out of it was that I felt like in order to give better, I must clearly distinguish the personal and specific needs/desires/nature of others from those that are mine while at the same time, upholding the objective laws of the creator.

    Hebrew version: Didn’t understand what was being said however I felt a more light inner sensation.

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