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  • Dorothy

    I came here seeking answers as to why I had difficulties in studying Kaballah and magic from a Golden Dawn Temple, but here I am told that Kaballah has nothing to do with magic. I let myself be talked into continuing here, for i do want to connect to God, and correct any past mistakes. However, i cannot unlearn what I learned from the Golden Dawn, though now I now my Order had been infiltrated by negative egos that only wanted power and control, and I began experiencing a negative being. This has led me on a search to try to figure out who this negative being was, because I do not believe that this being was the Christian Satan or a Demon, and so I was sent on a quest to our roots in Sumeria, and learned about a group of beings who passed themselves off as our God, the Anunnaki, and versions of them are seen all over the world, from Sumeria to Egypt, to the Americas, and according to Zacharia Sitchin, they came from a planet that rotates around our Sun every 3600 years, and it rotates around a second Sun, which the chemtrails have been trying to hide since 2011, when it crossed the Ecliptic into our Solar System, and has been causing weather changes on Earth, and every planet in our solar system. It’s almost amusing how our government is now acknowledging that reports of UFO’s are real, and now going ballistic shooting Chinese balloons out of the air. I believe the evil people, really wealthy and powerful people are fighting for their survival, and now are preparing the public for a “false alien invasion.” So, in short, we were invaded by alien beings 250,000 years ago, and they have been doing experiments on humans, downgrading our DNA, making humanity their slaves. I know this has nothing to do with the Kabbalah, for I believe true Kaballah was given to humanity from colonies of humans from other worlds, who first settled on earth millions of years ago. They created the Lemurian and Atlantean societies. I really should not have come back, but I want to make sure I’m not missing that connection to my higher self here, I divine I Am being, but really, so far, this course is for people who have no concepts except what they have learned from their religions, and this just seems like a version for those who are seeking truth, but know nothing, and so this psychological version of Kaballah is very comforting to those. Frankly, I don’t see how magic and kaballah can be separated, for I have already experienced the magic as I expanded my knowledge to the higher sephora. Basically, for me this course is like going back to high school, when I’m already in graduate school.
    I do think you are doing great work bringing comfort to people that are at that beginning stages of awakening, and for them, that’s all they need. Actually, I have found another school of Kaballah, even more profound than the Golden Dawn. I apologize for my explanation here.


    So far what I have realized is that there is so much more going on than what meets the eye, or what we have been taught in school, or are told in Mainstream media, and that I had to search deeper for hidden meanings. But what I am seeking is a direct connection between myself in God, beyond just merely having faith, and that is why I am continuing this course. Perhaps this Path of Light will give me what I am seeking.


    Thank you for that answer. Somehow that is about what I thought you’d say.  However, my own Higher Self made it quite clear that I am not to practice those rituals any longer. Please understand, that I thought the whole purpose of that path was for helping the soul to ascend, and when I began having visions and  out-of-body experiences, I accepted these as gifts from the Creator for my constant seeking for answers as to why I was here.  But once the non-human entity began to appear to me, I thought it was a test of faith and courage, but after being manipulated to fall out of bed, injuring myself several times, I realized it was not safe to continue, until I found out just who or what that being was, and Wow! did that lead me down a rabbit hole, which led me to believe that humans are not alone on this planet, and they are not beneficient.  I think that soon what I found out will be revealed to all, as many persons who claim to have served in a Secret Space Force have claimed that they saw many other species while serving on bases on the Moon, Mars, and in space.  This may not sound like a spiritual experience, but I can assure you my primary goal, since I was 16 was find out the truth behind our religions and spiritual teachings, and with a goal to unite with the Creator, to know God. You can laugh at me or deny me entrance into your school, but I know I was exercising powers I once had in previous incarnations. I realized that the so-called journeys I had taken were not in the Higher Planes, but in the lower astral realm that surrounds our planet.  We are in a war with these lower beings, call them the Archons, for they do not possess souls, and we must free our planet of these creatures, and there are many fighting this war as I speak. I can see how a person delving into magic can appear to only be doing so for their personal entertainment or possession of certain powers. Becoming aware that one is in a dream, and then testing it by flying is exhilarating, but it is not safe, unless a true guide comes and shows you the way.  I just can’t believe that all my pain and suffering this life has been for nothing, for just enough was shown to me to realize just how real  higher spiritual realms are. I have no fear of death because of these experiences, and as God wants to bestow these gifts of the Godhead upon those who have proven faithful, I can’t believe that true Kabbalists have not been granted these gifts also. Perhaps I will not see God until the day of my death, but I know I will be welcomed into His Presence.


    Since I was sixteen, when I came across the concept of Reincarnation and Karma from a book on Yoga, I have been searching for the key to unlocking the mysteries of our life, and making a direct contact to God, or a guide, my Higher Self, and I’ve studies just about every religion, philosophy and occult teaching I could find. Over and over, I’ve had to adjust my belief system, to agree with the current system.  I thought I’d really found the answers when I found a magical order that seemed to open me psychically. Two beings came to me in my dreams, and I had lots of out of body experiences, but then negative things began happening, and I was forced to stop practicing the rituals, and my guides left me. So now I’m hoping to find out where I went wrong, and return to exploring what I thought was spiritual planes, but really, I want to know I am on the right path, and I’m willing to change my perceptions in order to make true progress. I see that is just wanting to explore these realms, but I know I may have to give up the things I really want to do, like astrology, tarot cards, though I found them very useful tools, even though I do not want to attract those negative beings again. Is this a natural hurdle to achieve spirituality? I just want to make contact with that inner guide or Spark of Divinity, I want to make sure I don’t just repeat the mistakes I’ve already made. This may not be the path I want, but I don’t want to give up, when I could receive even greater gifts that I could then use to help others on their path, rather than just fading away without knowing I accomplished anything worthwhile.


    I would like to perceive a reality in which I was more in control, rather than just reacting to things that seem to just keep happening to me. Although I am now 77, and have a handful of health problems that leave me in pain and not being able to enjoy the things I used to do, I still would like to be healed and find myself in a body enjoying life again. But if I know I have made some steps to return a few steps up that ladder, I will consider this a positive lifetime, and I hope I will be able to carry some of the lessons learned here forward into whatever “life” I may find myself attached to.


    I would like to connect with my spiritual beingness and know when I cross over, I have done all I can to begin stepping up that ladder back to our Source. I’ve been down that path of Suffering, and I’ve had enough of that, I would like to have more control over achieving fulfillment in my life.

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