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  • James Reiter

    Tony speaks about the 613 Laws, and the 613 Desires. Are these written down? What book can we find them?

    Thank you,

    James Reiter


    So why am I here you ask. Tony has spoken about the various stages one goes through in ones life. Well reflecting on my life I feel, and sense that the point in my heart has been active for quite a number of years. I trust, and follow where it leads me to. So I am here because the point in my heart has brought me here.

    What do I want that I do not have, you ask. Simply put________________________.


    Let us see why the point in my heart has brought me here.

    Thank you Seth,


    James Reiter


    To further discuss, and explore the masach, the screen in this process, we the creature seek to become like the creator. Is it not somewhere in the Bible like Genesis 1:27 wherein “God created man in his own image. . .”

    Okay so the creator creates his creature in his own image that is us, and everything else.                     We at some point figure out that bestowal is somehow superior to receiving. Are we not both the creator, and creature everyday all the time already?

    Ten years ago, I became a father to a beautiful boy. I was present for the entire process. There was a point right after our son’s birth that I was filled beyond description with this tangible feeling. Learning this today, and reflecting on our son’s birth that feeling was simultaneously a feeling of EVERYTHING. The act of bestowal, and the act of unbounded joy.

    That being said there is nothing broken, nothing to be fixed, we are perfect for we have become both the creator, and the creature. So what is the point of studying Kabbalah, The Zohar, etc.?

    Thank you,


    James Reiter

    Tony speaks about the screen, and its importance. This story, allegory he presented about the two friends, and the meal the one friend was preparing. I get the basic concept, but am still not clear on how to embrace, and use the screen on a daily basis. Can you further elaborate on how to use the use on a daily basis or direct me to where I can further learn about the screen.

    Thank you,

    James Reiter

    What is the significance of the 600,000 souls? With 8+ billion humans on this planet where are the 600,000? Who are the 600,000?

    Similarly, what about the steps that we descended to this dimensional experience? what is the significance of the 125 steps?

    Tony mentioned 613 desires. Where can we learn more about these desires?

    Lots of numbers. Are the various numbers significant in any way?

    Thank you,

    James Reiter

    In the Eastern Tradition, let’s say India. It is about “Enlightenment”. there are four paths to enlightenment.
    Karma Yoga – Service, Bhakti Yoga – Devotion, Raja Yoga -Mind Control, and Jnana Yoga – Knowledge.
    Is Kabbalah a path of enlightenment? Are there multiple paths in Kabbalah like the Eastern way? If so, can you please elaborate on them. Seems to me Kabbalah is similar to Jnana Yoga, Yes/no?

    Thank you,

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