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  • Varda kahalany

    after starting studying Kabbalah I see a change in my perception of relationships and other people. As more light is attracted, I feel more connected and I understand that I am part of all this so my responses to people and reactions to situation are changing. And this is  my way of spreading the Kabbalah and strengthening the influence of the reforming light.

    Varda kahalany

    It brought me a lot of clarity but at the same time it also raised a million questions. The problem is that when I try to formulate these questions in words, however I am doing it, when I read the question it does not reflect the exact feeling of my question and I just can’t put it in words (not related to the language 🙂 . Sometimes, a question pops-up and immediate I have an answer – it is like I am replying to myself – and I feel that it is so obvious, how is it that I did not think of it before….. Anyway, I am proceeding with my studies, and will see about the questions… I am sure that some of them will be answered as I proceed.

    I wish to all my fellow students clarity and perseverance – even if sometimes you feel confused or do not understand everything, just go on and don’t give up.

    Varda kahalany

    if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love, we would not have any of the problems today because all trouble are steaming out of egoistic goals and disagreement’s . It would be a pleasant way of living in harmony, mutual love and understanding.

    Varda kahalany

    In my reply above I meant Dear Gianni , not Giovanni 🙂

    Varda kahalany

    Hi Marry, I totally understand and can relate to your question.  I am part of a pretty observant Jewish family (especially my husband and my sons) who seem to have a strong connection to the creator ,they are very faithful and clearly have a ‘point in the heart’ but it is manifested through religious rituals and it gives them the feeling that this is for ‘the fulfillment of the Creator’  . At the same time , I have friends and colleagues  at work who have nothing to do with any religion but they believe in the Upper Force, some of them are very spiritual and they indeed seem to have ‘a point in the heart’ also.  I am talking to all of them about ‘Kabbalah’ , but trying to only mention  things that I know will resonate with them. Fortunately, I was at both sides so I understand their way of thinking and slowly slowly trying to penetrate additional ‘little drops’ of wisdom. It works. And one thing I can tell you – since I started to do these classes (like 3 month ago), I noted that I have much more patience and understanding toward people who think differently and when I am talking to them somehow the right words are coming out spontaneously and when sometimes I get a not so positive reaction my answer is very different than it would have been before starting these studies .  I can clearly see the change.

    Varda kahalany

    Dear Giovanni, your reply  to Todd raises a question that I actually intended to ask previously – the Creator is 100% bestowal and his only desire is to bestow upon his creation.  So, when you say that I have to restrain to ‘use the Will to Receive in any way unless I have confirmation that it will be for the sake of the Upper Force ‘  , by my understanding it means that in such case the Upper Force is ‘fulfilling his DESIRE TO BESTOW’ – but then, this fulfillment is some selfish act , meaning (in ‘ this word’s language’)  the Creator is happy that I received his bestowal and ‘corrected my desire to receive’.  Also, if in the beginning, before the creation, the Creator had a desire to bestow so its creation is by nature driven by the desire to receive – is then this desire to ‘receive’  a newly created desire activated  as part of the ‘creation’? ( since it did not exist before the creation….) .  And, by ‘ confirmation that I used the will to receive for the sake of Upper Force’ do you mean that this confirmation means that I used the will to receive for bestow on my friends and not for selfish purposes ?

    Thank you 🙂


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