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  • Varda kahalany

    I’ll start about what I learned about myself – I realized that actually I am sometimes judgmental regardless that I always so myself as an objective person, trying to understand both sides…. This realization is something that I have to work on  and it means that I have to be even more aware of my reactions and motives then before. What inspires me is the fact that so many people today are waking up and search for meaning and it arises in me a feeling of expectancy and excitement to what still is ahead of us. There are  a lot of things that I still struggle to understand but slowly slowly, I believe that as I’ll proceed with learning Kabbalah more and more things will open up. I wish all my fellow students to persist with the learning and I am looking forward the times that peace will really prevail in the world.

    Varda kahalany

    I think that my role is to see myself as apart of everybody and so treat them the same way as I would treat myself

    Varda kahalany

    in one of the videos it was mentioned that Abraham was actually the first kabbalah teacher, he was inviting people to his tent, giving them food and shelter and teaching them Kabbalah. I would like to know where in the Torah there is a mention of it , or else, how do we know that he was teaching Kabbalah? We know that Abvraham was spreading the belief in one God but how we can conclude from this that he was teaching Kabbalah the people who were invited to his tent ?

    Varda kahalany

    When I am contemplating this question , if I consider what we learned so far it is like understanding that everything comes and happens from a desire to bestow and when looking at the big picture there is nothing that does not have a meaning or a purpose for the good of all.

    But it is difficult for me to comprehend this because surely the creator knows and understands his creation so when events are happening that cause sadness (like loosing a loved one , suffering from an incurable illness, seeing someone close to our hearth suffering without the ability to help him\her) the creator may feel these thing through us – even though this ‘feeling’  exists in this low world only , it is sort of a branch of a root in the spiritual world . The creation came from the creator so it is part of the creator. It is a bit difficult to express with words what I mean and I hope that it will not be miss understood.

    Varda kahalany

    Will do 🙂

    Thanks ! (Hope I did not offend anyone….. )


    Varda kahalany

    Thanks for your answer Seth. Of course you are right and I am rephrasing my question . I really would like to know what can I do now in order to speed up my development of my point in the heart so I could understand and perceive more of the puzzles of life and at the same time maybe to help others close to me to start doing the same.  Maybe my question gave the impression that I am judgmental toward practicing religious rituals but this is not my point. I am just puzzled by the fact that it was decided to hide the Kabbalah for a long period of time because ‘people were not ready’ but the Torah was out there and it seems like people were not ready for it either, because   it gave way to  miss interpretations which not only caused a huge division between the people of the world but presented a twisted image of a vengeful creator who favors the ones that observe his commandments. This perception is still persist in a high portion of the religious population  and makes the unification of the people through all of the world almost impossible.

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