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  • Logynn

    Thank you so much. That is a relief.


    I got to sit in on the YouTube video, but not the Zoom call. (It’s hard for me to get away in the middle of a Sunday.) Will all the YouTubes and Zoom calls be midday on a Sunday?

    I read something in a course description that implied we’d eventually be put in groups of 10 to continue study. Will I still be able to participate in that if I’m not able to come to the Sunday Zoom calls?


    My world seems to get a lot better when I am studying. I’d like to see that expand outward even more, to all I see.


    I took these courses in 2008 and 2009. I studied and watched the daily lesson almost every day for a year. I read most of the books, except the Zohar, which seemed completely opaque to me at the time.
    My life changed very dramatically after that, to the point that I didn’t have time to study or follow the lessons at all. But I have always felt just as connected to what I learned. That never diminished. I can’t even recall how I thought of the world before I learned Kabbalah here. I had a sense I had learned everything I would ever need to know, and nothing since then has shaken that.
    But recently I have been drawn to read the Zohar, which I have owned all this time, but never thought I would be able to understand it. I picked it up again a few months ago. I have been reading it every day. And everything that seemed opaque to me before has become transparent. It makes sense now.
    Y’all must have done a lot of work and I absorbed it somehow. 😉
    I would like to re-approach the groups and the lessons with this new point of view, and that is why I am here.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #386433

    I took these courses in 2008 and 2009. I studied very intensely and watched the daily lesson almost every day for a year. I read most of the books, except the Zohar, which seemed completely opaque to me at the time.

    My life changed very dramatically after that, to the point that I didn’t have time to study or follow the lessons at all. But I have always felt just as connected to what I learned. That never diminished. I can’t even recall how I thought of the world before I learned Kabbalah here. I had a sense I had learned everything I would ever need to know, and nothing since then has shaken that.

    But recently I have been drawn to read the Zohar, which I have owned all this time, but never thought I would be able to understand it. I picked it up again a few months ago. I have been reading it every day. And everything that seemed opaque to me before has crystallized. It makes perfect sense now.

    Y’all must have done a lot of work and I absorbed it somehow. 😉

    I would like to re-approach the groups and the lessons with this new point of view, and that is why I am here.

    – Logynn

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