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  • in reply to: What is the correct way to give to others? #42392
    Maria B. W12

    To give like we exhale the air (Love) that we inhaled.

    Maria B. W12

    We can. I think, it doesn’t need to be that way. I also think, that serving others is deeply imprinted in all our hearts.

    What may need mastering is the attitude to giving. Out of our hearts and minds, leaving out the calculating ego that wants pleasure. Perhaps instead of seeking pleasure whilst serving a desire of the ego, teach the mind to consciously strive to generate the  feeling of genuine and sincere gratitude in my heart. Towards the One giving to me, what I can share. And towards the receiver of my service for giving me the opportunity to share/give. Knowing in my mind that it was never meant to be mine but is given for sharing.

    Maria B. W12

    As I understand now, the only free will we are allowed by our overall divine evolutionary program of  “suffering” is to choose and pursue the path of  light as set out in the authentic science of the Kabbala, and hence speed up the evolution of our souls re-uniting into the Spiritual Creature. All the rest we perceive are illusions.

    Maria B. W12

    By learning about ourselves and following the steps of Kabbala to consciously participate in getting our egoistic qualities corrected. To do so by building and keeping connections with other soul parts of Adam as a group aiming at this same purpose. By following the guidance of our Kabbalist teacher/master and doing what the authentic books describe as the true path, until we raise above “ourselves”, make the steps on the “ladder” of the spiritual realm to re-unite again into the Original Creature. All with the intention to benefit Humanity.

    Maria B. W12

    Happens from time to time.

    in reply to: How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered? #41931
    Maria B. W12

    Ask with the joint desire of mind and heart. Know it won’t be answered if doesn’t fall in line with God’s will and be willing in advance to gratefully receive whatever the answer is.

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