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  • Bob

    I would jettison fear and regret as fast as possible.

    Fear is the idea that something “bad” can/will happen. There is no such thing as “bad”. The Upper Force HAS to take note that I “trust” it SO much that I no longer worry. I don’t know if I will live or not, but either way is the path to the next level.

    Regret is the idea that my past altered my present in some fashion that I wish I could change. A) That is true….on the surface. Certainly EVERY single decision altered my trajectory. B) But all we HAVE is THIS moment. No matter WHAT it is, it is the EXACT PLACE I need to be. THIS moment…THIS place is EXACTLY what I need to get to my ultimate adhesion with the Upper Force.

    Instead of fearing and regretting, I want to cherish EVERY moment as a PERFECT GIFT, a gift that is SO EXQUISITELY FASHIONED I will not understand the depth of it till I attain a few levels.

    I think The Upper Force will be THRILLED if I seek to uncover the INFINITE potential of EVERY MINUTE I have in left in this world because those moments, EACH moment, is the only link I have to the Upper Force.

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #184246

    “…find out in our next and last episode”
    WHAT?!  “…LAST EPISODE…”???!!!!
    I am NOT ready for THAT.

    You’re going to warp this up in 10 or 15 minutes? I’d think you need like a 2 hour mini-special or something.

    But I do have to admit, you have driven home some amazing concepts.

    You have stitched together SO MUCH so far. It really is unbelievable how you are able to convey this material.
    NEVER have I had a more complete understanding of the relationship between the Creator, Adam Kadmon, Adam HaRishon and humanity.

    Thank you SO much
    (OK…I’m strapping in for 14!!)

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #183557

    So in keeping with your mom offers dinner apology…

    When we are immature, mom offers….water YES; sandwich NO; dinner NO; sleep over NO; move in NO.

    We grow and mature….

    water YES; sandwich YES; dinner NO; sleep over NO; move in NO.

    MORE GROWTH…water YES; sandwich YES; dinner YES; sleep over NO; move in NO.

    MORE GROWTH…water YES; sandwich YES; dinner YES; sleep over YES; move in NO.

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #128301

    You say we can’t we can’t encourage our families. I guess that was good for me to hear. It is my opinion that some very select portions of what I am learning can be shared with people who have become disheartened with their current paths and in the increasing decline of our society.

    To learn that the ENTIRE PURPOSE of the creation is for US to receive ALL that the Creator had for us and that EVERY atom and event in the physical universe is EXQUISITELY FASHION to lead us to that end, is a game changer.

    EVERY DAY I encounter people who are desperate for BETTER answers, whose hopelessness breaks my heart. After 20 years of studying Judaism and with 8 of them dabbling in Kabbalah and 2 years of material like this, I feel like I am nearing a point when I will be able to provide a short, but comprehensive PEEK into this UNIMAGINABLE world that TRULY IS…the Blueprint of Creation for the increasing number of desperate people I run into.

    You are right, I must not expect to do anything more than introduce them to something which may or may not spark any desire to further explore.
    BUT…at the same time, didn’t the work of Baal HaSulam mark a new chapter in circulation of Kabbalah, that his work was to distribute it much more broadly?

    If we believe that we have reached a time when Kabbalah will flow to people like never before, then I am willing (and only very recently ready) to provide bite size samples to those willing to listen for an hour or two with the expectation that we WILL see more and more people willing to receive it.

    BUT your words of caution are TRUE…we (I) can’t “sell” this material. I cannot pursue people, or heaven forbid, try to convince them. I can only OFFER selected bits and pieces to those whose path and timing seem appropriate AND STOP THERE. That is our work; to learn to work WITH “nature”, not try to BE nature. It is nature that KNOWS who is ready, not me.

    I am a retired firefighter. I have rescued a lot of people with or without their permission. This is different. Here, people have to leave their burning building of their own volition; my job is just to make sure they know they CAN leave, if they want and if they don’t, well that is between them and nature, right?


    It was suggested by Gil that I take this course and so I am doing so with full intention and expectation to visit other worlds


    I am “intending” to get more of out this web site. Gil suggested this course. I am taking that advice with great expectation.

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