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  • in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #387798

    Thanks so much  for answering all these questions… it’s really helpful!!! I find all this quite overwhelming…and I am still wondering about why a desire is called a desire- not in terms of the word meaning , but in terms of its energy… is it called a desire because it’s a form of let’s say an energy with direction to fulfillment? So there’s no deviation of its direction and purpose? Like it HAS to come to fulfillment?

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #387754

    Hi, I just realised I might have asked too many questions along that course, sorry for that, I feel just really intruiged by all of this,  please feel free to just answer whichever seems to fit with the content of the course. Thank you.

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #387740

    So sorry, there is yet another question… I don´t know if it fits here, but I am really trying to understand… there was this analogy of psychogenic transmission of laughter or tics in the recent live Q/A session… now, I´ve been wondering…. In neurology, it says there are mirror neurons; i.e. a polulation of neurons that help us mirror mimic/posture/gestures of another person. Most likely, I thought, these phenomena concerning  the spreading of laughter  or tics are a case of “overactive mirror neurons”… and as a matter of fact, we all have more or less of these neurons…

    Now, anyways, I have been wondering really , if we are but fractals of that one organism, the “creture”, and each “fractal” that is starting to attain spiritual development, is making to change “the whole organism”,… is it that in a way those fractals that we are, are like a specific “cell population” in terms of this organism? Is it that when the point in the heart sparks up, we are just following kind of a “programme”, because that´s what we are then… determined to be “this part” in the whole organism? I wouldn´t mind if that´s what it is… I am just wondering why it´s happening at all, and why just to some human beings, and why it feels so natural to do it…

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #387738

    I´ve got a question, because I am not quite understanding the real meaning of “desire”. is a desire the spark that lights every creation? Are we a desire, just like all plants, animals a.s.o.? Or is a desire a spark the we have to lighten ourselves?

    • This reply was modified 4 days, 19 hours ago by Verena.

    I think, it´s because this is where we have free choice… to decide to choose this path. If we had been born with the perception, we would neither start searching for it, nor develop a desire. Plus, most likely we would be content with what we´ve got, and not develop any further.

    • This reply was modified 4 days, 19 hours ago by Verena.
    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #387682

    Is Kabbalistic work including working in a group, in order to learn to bestow to friends, and by aquiring that ability to greater depths, allowing to attain the light more and more? Because only in bestowing, in the condition of Malchut, light can possibly be revealed?

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