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  • Verena

    I am really impressed by the idea that our reality is just a subjective projection that we grasp as being complete, because we are limited to the 5 senses that we have been given. It is a very calming experience to find there is more than that; and that some things are just showing themselves in the connection between friends. Anyways, thus inspired, I am very curious to start to understand how our subjective human reality connects with any spiritual reality. Whic hof our emotional/ social laws do really connect to the law of nature? Which aspects should be left separate, which do interact? There are so many questions about that, therefore I am very happy to start this course :-).


    I dońt know if it fits here, but I am wondering about the meaning of predetermination. What does it mean in terms of our subjective reality in Kabbalah? Is predetermination to be interpreted in the classical way, in that certain events / obstacles will happen to us because itś part of the pre-determined blueprint of our life? Or is predetermination relating to a „pre-life“ agreement to work on a certain state, so that predetermination means we will be pushed until we get there, which would then also mean that the events may change in relation to our response? And what is free choice then? In the first case,would  free choice then only be in the decision to incarnate or not, and in the second, would it be the decision to move on or not?

    • This reply was modified 1 week ago by Verena.
    in reply to: What is the real reason for conflict and chaos in the world? #387396

    Our total disconnection from the laws of nature leads to more and more pressure in order to make us get to develop the intention to bestow. However, as long as we refuse to actively pursue this process, we will be governed by our egoistic desires which lead to unbalance, hatred and conflicts. In order to change this, we will have to work on changing our inner qualities, we have to learn to reform the intention of our desire; only then we will grow in accordance to the law of nature, and that is the remedy for making all these conflicts unnecessary.

    in reply to: How can we move forward on the path of light & transformation? #387395

    By actively choosing to connect on a spiritual level, as well as by choosing to do inner work and change our inner qualities; by interacting with friends in this and learning how to reform our intention towards receiving in order to bestow.

    in reply to: What is the best way to contribute to world peace? #387394

    Understanding that we need to work on the spiritual roots, the causes, rather than take action on a particular issue, which is  only the consequence or manifestation of what is happening on root level. And working on that level of causes by changing our inner quality, by learning to connect, by learning to reform our intention towards altruism.

    in reply to: What is the importance of our intentions in our daily reality? #387388

    Our intention is what turns our action from egoism to altruism. ItÅ› a key to development, considering to use our nature, which is receiving pleasure, for the good and in accordance with the law of nature. That means we can not change our nature, which is to receive, but we can change our intention, that is WHY we are receiving – namely receiving with the intention to bestow.

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