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  • Verena

    HI, I think itś very moving to know or even feel that in terms of spirituality we are all connected, all part of the same creature; and itś kind of a challenge to get back to daily life while knowing this. 🙂


    Hi, I think this has been answered, but just making sure I got it right: I understand that the 4 phases of light (0-4)  in evolutionary terms cover the time from BIG BANG to human. And I understand, that these phases still also can be reflected in all other parts of creation… (and thatś exactly my question, because for me it feels to be like it),.. Would that mean that for example in embryology, growing and maturing of a a child, as well as emotional development in the single human being these phases can be reflected? OR is it different for human beings, so that they would always be at the beginning of stage 4. I am just wondering, because from mere comparison with life, I would say that phases 0-4 in terms of physical andemotional (not spiritual) growth are a common phenomenon and challenges to human development, especially in terms of psychological development.


    Hi, I would wish to all students that they can feel the connection to the light, and how they can grow as they develop their intention to give , and that they can feel that there is a connection to all the other individuals who are pieces of the same creature, and that they find a group and teacher whom to learn with as they try to develop. I suppose, while each of us is trying to grow in this process, each of us will enhance the creatures development to some extend. And as we grow and learn together, the effect might accelarate..


    Hi am Verena, I would really like to know how to read these texts, and how they are being referred to. Thanks a lot for the opportunity to get an insight.


    By allowing the desire to change from seeking pleasure to connecting more to the light, by allowing altruism take over, by allowing  us to be changed from merely wanting to receive for egoistic reasons to receiving for atruistic reasons… for we cannot change our nature, which embodies the will to receive… but we can use it for the good… and then itś all about deciding to want to grow and then choosing to find an environment to grow, connecting with others who would like to grow to, and through the guidance of a teacher, who has travellef further on this path than his students.

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks ago by Verena.

    ThatÅ› a very good question, and yes, most of the time… the way I look at things, thoughts I allow, attitudes, opinions I raise… they form a picture in my mind, and while this is already pre-formed,  my mind will preferably choose to perceive what it believes should be there, like selective attention, maybe even self-fullfilling own prophecies. I see and perceive what I think it must be like… but maybe there would have been other options; other views to take… but I cannot see them, because I am not prepared to allow them. And then; reality as a human being seems definitely like that black blocks anyways, and thinking that there are around 8 billion pre – programmed little boxes scattling along this planet, thinking they know the truth… well, itÅ› putting things into a new perspective.

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