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  • Verena

    Hi Albert, I just saw you answered a lot of this in a previous threat in that we are never going backwards, and are not in multiple stages at the same time (I just cannot edit my question anymore). So, basically, most is answered already,  I am just wondering what this stage of feeling like being drawn back and forth, of sensing the creator and then being pushed back into darkness, of sensing  and then losing the sensation of „love thy neighbour as thyself“ on various levels refers to. Is this correction? And then the other question about how correction works on us and the whole remains for me. How often do we have to go through a correction to make it last in us and around us?

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by Verena.

    Hi, are we passing through the stages of development one after the next, or are we going back and forth, or even experience different stages of spiritual development at the same time depending on our environment or inner states?  Like a child sometimes goes through different phases of development step by step (like from turning over, to sit, to crawl, to stand, to walk) versus sometimes seems to be at different stages of maturity at the same time  (like a child can be really immature in kindergarden, but reasonable when being with an older sibling or suddenly seeming to mature when being placed in a school environment)? I understand that as we start to grow our point in the heart and start to work on correcting our ego, we might just sometimes loose track, stumble back, and feel surrounded by darkness, and then there is a new revelation coming up. And sometimes it may seem clear and light to „love thy neighbour as thyself“ and then again it seems that doubts are closing this up… is this referring to a specific stage of development, or is it that we are just dropping down to an early stage then? And the same with „corrections“… if you have corrected a specific state / egoistic trait… do you have to go through it multiple times before it lasts? I once read to correct a specific human behaviour you may need up to a 1000 times of practice… (depending on what you want to correct, of course, and on how high the resistance is)… but how lasting are corrections? And actually, do they have to be lasting or is it like lighting a match, that lights a piece of wood, that lights a fire…?



    Probably itś like a parent watching a child… sitting in a sand pit, with a shovel and forms, trying to build a castle that lasts. Maybe fighting over the forms, fighting over the right space… and being absorbed in this doing, forgetting that there is so much else around, and being totally destroyed when the wind, or another child, or a dog, or just merely gravity makes the castle fall apart.As being the creator, you woudl see there is so much more, there is no need for tears, there is no need to fight… but you know itś important for the child to find out himself.


    Hi Seth, thanks a lot, this is very helpful ☺️ Verena


    Hi Albert, Thanks so much, this is very helpful ☺️ Verena


    Well, I would think I would have to change my inner concepts / judgement  and my inner focus of perception in order to change any outward experience. I am not sure, though,if that would not fail me… as long as I stay within my own narrow frame. Maybe I would have to connect to others to really change what I perceive as reality, at least if the creator reveals himself in the connection to others.

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