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  • Verena

    1. I am understanding that there are many predetermined factors in the lives of human beings; and that suffering in terms of experiencing man-made or non-man-made desasters  desastersare part of the soulś path of development. Do I get it right, that all of this is meant to be? All of this is pre-determined ? And that this is a way more interconnected process than one would think? After all, just thinking of what humans are doing to humans… each of the acts will affect many more than the just directly involved individuals. And is it right, that in this interconnectivity, each act happening t o „one“ human is something that happens in order for all souls to develop?

    2. I am wondering what could be a rational for people who are actually suffering? Especially, when they have been on their way to gain spiritual understanding. I feel itś a really fragile spot, and I am wondering how to help bridge that subjective experiences of the cruelty of life on the one handside, and the spiritual worthiness in those situations of real  hardship o the other. Is it a BUT?… it is true pain in this life, BUT it has a spiritual purpose?   It feels hardly possible just to tell them „this is because he wants it so“. I would be afraid that it would drive them even further away from any perception of light. What would be a rational to help those involved understand to bridge this gap between their subjectively felt pain, and its possible spiritual purpose? Would it be the message „there are no victims in spirituality, but it can feel like it being human“? And would it be correct to say that?


    So far it´ś more of a change of perception for me, like I am more easily connected to a  deep calmness and feeling of inner peace when observing peoples´ struggles of life; also there starts to be a different sort of happiness settling in with me, like something is just being connected that was in pieces before. Í am getting answers and definitions that make some perceptions finally understandable.


    I really liked the videos on the perception of „reality“… and also the clip with the gorilla test; the metaphor with the red apple; the clip on how people reacted when receiving a cochlear implant. Thinking about how selective our senses and brain work, thinking about that programming to select for „whatś in it for us“ , for our egoism, makes me feel rather humble, for I feel itś very obvious thatś whatś leading most people on most of the time. And it feels inspiring to get knowledge about other ways.

    Also, I am very thankful that all the material is shared here, and impressed by the way it has been edited, to help understand the underlying principles. While I find the recommended reading needs really time and makes me still feel like there is a bit of a link to religion (not that I would mind, itś just that I am getting that this is not what the teaching is about), I find the explanations in the videos are more relating to everyday experiences or modern science, so I really feel itś helpful to go through both and connect the information. I really feel very touched by the experience.

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by Verena.

    To a wholsome form of  reality, going beyond the limitations of time and space or senses.


    How comes some people seem to be born with some aspects of sixth sense? like perceptions that go beyond the five senses… and I dońt necessarily think or people who are seeking the experiences, but rather those that seem to be born with it or come from families where itś common to have such a variant of perception. And is this form of „sixth sense“ different to the educated one desbribed in Kabbalah?


    To give a foundation to  spiritual perceptions, adding the knowledge and wisdom it needs to use it purposefully, and respect its limits , and to understand about the connection between our spiritual origin, and life as a human being. Furthermore, to get some insight into the impact of Kabbalah understanding on life, and guiding people.

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