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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 199 through 204 (of 1,209 total)
  • Author
    • #368352
      mrc s

      How many people in the world is a kabbalist, who already cross the machsom and love others?

    • #368346
      mrc s

      Why not everything is perfect

      • #368351
        mrc s

        can i delete this post, i didnt have a question to ask.

        • #368581

          You should be able to remove it…

          But about “perfect”…from the Creator’s perspective, it all is perfect. We are the ones that need to change.

    • #368033

      did laitman have a group of ten?  and does that mean they all reached the same level?  if so where are they?

      • #368035

        Hey Michael,

        Yes and no. He was next to his teacher but there were others there that were studying. There were a couple of “phases” while Rav Laitman was with his teacher: when he arrived and there were still students of Baal HaSulam there, when he became closer with his teacher and began treating him and driving him–essentially spending all his time with him, and then later on when Rav Laitman brought more and more students to study with them and continuing dissemination in Israel/writing books etc..

        There were those already in attainment before he arrived but no one really stayed together after the Rabash passed. Dr. Laitman has said he hasn’t really stayed in contact with any of them but does every now and then have a word. Regarding which degrees they attained, he never said.


    • #368018

      Is Kabbalah connected in any way with the 33* Freemasonry?

    • #367630
      mrc s

      Is people and objects inside of me?

      • #367743

        It depends what you define as in you. The “I” you currently feel would not identify that but the corrected “I” would.


    • #367545
      mrc s

      Why often if people offend me i didn’t remember doing the same things to others?

      • #367742

        Hey mrc,

        We don’t know the “why”, meaning the direct cause, but we are in an integral system. Doesn’t matter if you did something or not, you’re connected to everything and everyone else with nature’s single goal of reaching the end of correction, so there’s no doubt whatever happens it’s goal oriented for your correction precisely.


Viewing 6 posts - 199 through 204 (of 1,209 total)
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