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    • #367341

      Another question

      how and when did judaism replace kabbalah? orthodox will say that it was passed down through the elders etc. Could we say what was passed down, was actually kabbakah? And not what they think as being the religion ?

      • #367516

        Hey Brad,

        You could even look at the destruction of the temple as a symbol of the “rupture” in this structure called “vessel” that holds the light. There was a connection between us that fell to the dust. There were opinions–some wanted to engage in love of others and some wanted to omit that work and keep only customs, actions reciting of prayers etc.. You can imagine after thousands of years of completely not thinking about the internality of the Torah how distant our generation is from it. That’s on one hand, where the further you are–you’re in a way, closer to revealing this fact. But on the other hand, this also depends on each individual and the root of the soul.


        • #367731

          Can i read about that *some where* ? The rapture and judaism becoming dormant and choosing between inner and external observance etc.

        • #367725

          Wow, can i read about all that someone where?

        • #367741

          Hey Brad,

          I don’t think there’s specific text that focus on that point, well any time the Jews had an inner riff in the last 2k years you could say it had to do with this. That’s not completely accurate but that’s what I’m saying, it was a long process.

    • #367255

      i need to ask a sensitive question privately, how can we do this? My email is

      [email protected]

      • #367515

        Hey Brad,

        we generally encourage Q&A on the student forum so that everyone can benefit and grow from the discernments, but if you feel that you need personal outreach nonetheless, then please write your question to [email protected] and we’ll get back to you via email.

        Thanks 🙂

    • #366826
      mrc s

      Is it better to be righteous or wise?

      • #367342

        Hey mrc,

        Wise points to the experience, the “extent” one has undergone that number of corrections, they understand the thought of the Creator to that measure. A righteous is one who justifies the Creator and this also increases along the way until one becomes a complete righteous. There are varying degrees of both.


    • #366799

      hi.  i was watching this video of laitman saying that freedom of speech should be curbed in some way (in agreement with the EU, that’s what he said).  and i understand that he’s saying something about freedom itself and the spiritual, and that people should not just shout things (that there’s no real value in that), and that you should not hurt anyone.

      but the thing that i wonder since he is siding with a specific law that limits speech, how could anyone do that?  freedom of speech is not about wanting to say things, it’s about preventing tyranny.  so how could he not understand that?

      freedom of speech is also about creating a situation that prevents total destruction, and creates some opportunity in life, because there is no way of dealing with people who think being offended is a reason to attack you.  that is the reason for violence in general.  that is the reason why anyone gets angry and violent.  so from a system perspective, you have to condemn violence, not speech.  and you can never have a system that forces us to answer to them.  they will take over like terrorists.

      • #367339

        Hey Michael,

        Whatever laws manifest in any country are just consequences of upper guidance. We can’t fathom the true interconectedness of our world and how each decision plays into the grand scheme. A Kabbalist is only concerned with reaching the purpose of creation, speeding up this development towards that goal and bringing the world into wholeness with the Creator. If some laws align more with furthering this agenda, then they align, if they don’t–they don’t. This observation shouldn’t denote “choosing sides”.

        Any trouble or suffering in our world has only one root–the ego. Humanity is on a path of eventually recognizing this evil, but the first stage is that it must be recognized as the root of all our problems. No “band-aid” solutions will work to spot-fix the world’s issues.


    • #366559

      So “love thy neighbour as yourself” has nothing to do with your neighbor next-door living beside you, as the rest of the world believes  it means that, its really talking about someone who has the same spiritual goal as you? Someone in a ten?  Then what about the guy next door then? Just be a nice neighbour and mind our business ?

      • #366752

        Hi Brad,

        Correct…the neighbor next door is not on the “menu” of who you can work with to bring them closer into yourself–caring for them more and eventually loving them. The guy next door, in the meantime, just needs a good attitude. “Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want done to yourself”.


        • #366753

          Just clarifying your words

          “he wont be able” to help me care for him more and love  him is what you mean?

    • #366260
      mrc s

      Is the right one servant respect the master or the lowly must be helped first?

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