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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 385 through 390 (of 1,210 total)
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    • #334752
      mrc s

      Is G-d and the Light androgynous?

      • #334874

        The Creator is what gives, this quality of bestowal. Creation itself is within Him and we feel ourselves as a result of Him removing Himself, concealing Himself and we would see light and dark not as the same. Our disconnection from perfection allows us to make the distinction in qualities–in reception and in bestowal–He created the evil inclination, His opposite form–but without an opposite, there’s no taste in contrast. You would have to ask then if there was no evil inclination, could one say the Creator exists at all?


    • #334751
      mrc s

      Does a soul unchanging like a stone or evolving?

      • #334873

        Our”material” does receive an addition–a correction of intention–and this is where we distinguish the difference between the will to receive and the will to bestow. Even though there is only Him, None Else Besides Him, we still discover our oppositeness to this, this is our evolution, this is what we feel as “change” but this is just a conscious addition, an addition to us sensing truth.

    • #334719
      mrc s

      if the sinners who go to hell in to come and it is parts of us then those go to heaven feel pain in the body parts that contain sinners?

      • #334872

        Sinning, according to Kabbalah, is where there is choice. If one is not activating one’s free will, there’s no sin to be made–the definition of course choosing reception over bestowal.


    • #334714
      mrc s

      Is stedfast in happiness good?

      Proverbs 20:6
      A multitude of men proclaim each his kindness, And a man of  stedfastness who doth find?

      Proverbs 28:20
      A stedfast man hath multiplied blessings, And whoso is  hasting to be rich is not acquitted.

      • #334871

        One certainly wants to be in similar form with the Creator. The Creator enjoys bestowal.

    • #334704
      mrc s

      judge angels favorably?

    • #334675
      mrc s

      What Does it mean outside work is not Good?

      • #334870

        Hey mrc,

        I’m not 100% sure what you’re referring to, but it sounds like you’re asking about working with those who are “outside” of this circle of people who want to work in order to attain the purpose of creation.

        It’s not that it’s not “good”–one way or another–just that it’s not something we can work with since for us, building the spiritual Kli, this is done mutually. If the work is not mutual then there is no work.



Viewing 6 posts - 385 through 390 (of 1,210 total)
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