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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 397 through 402 (of 1,210 total)
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    • #334404
      mrc s

      Is health or happiness more pleasurable?

      • #334441

        I believe you’re referring to “health” in the physical sense, to your body. Happiness is more of a general, overall sense of how you interpret reality. Sure one is “happy” if they’re not suffering, or they could be suffering yet still happy because their goal in life is not to enjoy, but something about the natural will to receive.

    • #334403
      mrc s

      I have trouble rising my to mind instead senses, like eat than thinking interesting things can you help me convince that the mind is more preferred than the body thx

      • #334440

        Hey mrc,

        You’ll need to adhere to all of the Kabbalistiscmaterial, what we have here, the library etc.

        This will awaken new desires and therefore new thoughts.


    • #334337
      mrc s

      In the end when all beings go to heaven is they know how to relate correctly to be each other?

      • #334368

        Heaven is a state we create between us in this life. That state is where we have built the right connections between us and made a place for the quality of bestowal to dwell and connection us together in love.

        This is called Heaven.


    • #334115
      mrc s

      If our world is hell then we are in the abyss in darkness?

    • #333913
      mrc s

      What is the oral Torah or oral teachings?

      • #333958

        According to the above, we should interpret what _The Zohar_ says about the words, “If his offering is a burnt offering,” “for My thoughts are not your thoughts.” He says, “Also, the written Torah and the oral Torah, which is _Malchut_, were emanated from that thought.” We should interpret that in the work, _Malchut_ means “the kingdom of heaven,” which is faith, while “Oral Torah” is called Torah. In other words, it is impossible to be rewarded with the Torah if one has not been rewarded with faith, as our sages said, “It is forbidden to teach idol-worshippers the Torah.” 


        But there’s also this:

        In spiritual attainment, the written Torah is accompanied by the oral Torah. The name “Torah” is derived from the word “Ohr – Light.” Thus, the written version of the book must be preceded by a preparation period, which is  the oral Torah.

        The oral Torah accompanies the written book and is transferred from one generation to another by word of mouth, from a Kabbalist to another Kabbalist. It is conveyed through a chain of people who are capable of understanding the book.

        -Rav Laitman


    • #333912
      mrc s

      What is Kabbalah’s interpretation of the mitzvot?

      • #333957

        Actions that are done in order to bestow. Using the will to receive to receive the light in order to bestow.


Viewing 6 posts - 397 through 402 (of 1,210 total)
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