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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 517 through 522 (of 1,209 total)
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    • #332069
      mrc s

      If I want other’s to feel a specific kind of pleasure like having more money what advantage that have for me, the other might not share his money? for that matter all specific pleasures, thx

      • #332116

        You don’t get to choose what others feel. The Creator is in charge of what desires they have, you simply want to “tip the scales” in favor of our mutual plea for Him to hear our request to be connected.

    • #332068
      mrc s

      Does a person likes if I pray for them, what if I don’t know their true desire and what if their real desire is what I don’t want, thx

      • #332115

        You imagine what their desire is since it’s similar to yours–to reach the goal and purpose of creation. This is what you want and what they want, we are the same soul.

    • #332067
      mrc s

      If we pray not only for ourselves but for many what advantages that have for ourselves?

      • #332114

        That we are included in others and therefore we are “accounted” for, but the intention for what we want out of the request is for others.

    • #331982
      mrc s

      What is prayer for if G-d already know what our needs and give us what according to His understanding?

      • #332025

        Hi mrc,

        Prayer is our reaction to what we receive from His providence. Lack of satisfaction is always an indication of a need for correction. This is actually a gift He gives us for us to locate what needs to be corrected and ask for that correction. When we feel what is uncorrected, meaning a lack, along with the fulfillment of that lack, we then acquire an expanded/broadened perception. This is the path of our development which gradually opens up a new world before us.


    • #331977
      mrc s

      Should I be content with what I have or desiring more and more pleasure?

      • #332024

        Hi mrc,

        According to Kabbalah, a bigger desire is better. This is what pushes us towards correction. We always say being content is essentially cessation of movement–death.  On this path, we should always be looking for more and more desire. This desire never comes from within ourselves, rather something we have to acquire from the outside. This comes as a result of our incorporation within one another, influencing each other and bringing us out of our own state of “content” and into a state of lacking–specifically however a lack for bestowal.



    • #331976
      mrc s

      If I suffer is it my fault or I’m innocent and it’s G-d’s plan?

Viewing 6 posts - 517 through 522 (of 1,209 total)
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