A student will almost always decide to stop studying, precisely when the study reaches the topic of this lesson – because of the part of the soul it relates to. What will be your motivation to persevere?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 10. Nekudot de SAG A student will almost always decide to stop studying, precisely when the study reaches the topic of this lesson – because of the part of the soul it relates to. What will be your motivation to persevere?

  • #55419

    A student will almost always decide to stop studying, precisely when the study reaches the topic of this lesson – because of the part of the soul it relates to. What will be your motivation to persevere?

Viewing 6 posts - 85 through 90 (of 123 total)
  • Author
    • #288166

      I can’t stop studying the essence of my being, no matter how hard it seems to be aware of this essence, it is the purpose of life.

    • #288024
      David J

      Even though I/We/1 may not understand all, the desire to obtain equivalence of form  persuades 1 to continue

    • #286672

      I don’t feel there is much of a choice for me to quit… I’m here (just like all of us) because I am supposed to be; even if I procrastinate and put off these upcoming lessons, something will bring me back, even if it’s in a different format.

    • #286487

      My desire is to connect to others, nature and the Creator. If my desire were to just gain knowledge all of these studies may only be a brain exercise. On the other hand, I want to have a relationship with others and my Creator, thus I want to learn everything tha Kabbalah teaches me to continue living and to have a relationship with others, nature and my Creator.

    • #285816
      Luc ANOUBRE

      I came to this course so that I will be able to discover the Upper Worlds one day and I still have’nt discovered them yet. This reason is my motivation to persevere.

    • #285553
      dree monster

      the desire to connect to the creator on a higher level is greater.

Viewing 6 posts - 85 through 90 (of 123 total)
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