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    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #372749

      How does kabbalah view celebrities, people are taking sides with them now kinda  like politics. Kane west for example. There is the idea that all celebrities sell their soul and become puppets for fame, illuminati Freemasons etc. so, now he is appearing to be a hero by rebelling against Hollywood, he is appearing like a hero now, exposing them, and we know he has blamed jews, stirring hate, and he himself is against the creator, calling himself jesus or god, and apparently he is starting his own porn industry,  how would you explain to someone that no he is not a hero or a good person to someone who thinks he is?

      • #373195

        I don’t think there’s any reason to explain anything to anyone really. Kabbalah shouldn’t really be used as a kind of “talking point” imo. I mean, of course there can be “x” event in the world and there could be how Kabbalah would interpret that; how does it play into the program of creation? What forces are at work? etc..

        You’ve been around a while and as many times as I’ve sure you’ve heard, “None Else Besides Him” it’s still difficult to see when our eyes tell a different story.



    • #372680
      mrc s

      Is the world mathematically precise and rationally reasonable?

      • #372692

        Mathematics are a kind of “descriptor” of what’s going on in our physical reality. It’s another language to describe what’s going on–a set of certain laws that exist.

    • #372676

      Question about “causes” in first video:

      Are causes considered part of karma? Does D Kabbalah believe we answer to Karma?

      • #372691

        Hey Joel, regarding Karma….Kabbalah does not subscribe to the concept of “karma” as understood in other faiths/methods/religions. Instead, it explains that each person can influence their fate not through karmic actions but by correcting our nature to align with the program of nature. Kabbalah teaches that our actions within the framework of spiritual development, especially those aimed at unity, can positively or negatively influence our lives. If we align ourselves with the unifying force of nature, we experience positive influences; if not, it’s the opposite.


      • #372677

        I am going back to first preparatory video which talks about everything we see has a spiritual cause. Does things like the war in Israel that is going on now have a spiritual cause that we cannot see? Like I said before there are a lot of new concepts I am trying to understand so I hope my questions are okay.

        • #372690

          Hey Joel,

          Great questions, no worries.

          Everything that happens in the physical world is a manifestation of spiritual forces. This includes wars and conflicts which are viewed as outcomes stemming from spiritual root causes. When people and nations do not correct themselves spiritually, it manifests as physical conflicts.



    • #372661
      mrc s

      Does the creator the fundamental reality that underlies/behind the worlds or G-d is all?

      • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by mrc s.
      • #372689

        Hey mrc, I’m not grasping the question here. Can you rephrase?


        • #373103
          mrc s

          I mean  is G-d the essence of everything or is everything?

    • #372646

      I am just starting to view the preparatory videos. I like what I here and see so far. I know since I am at the beginning with you I come up with questions. Does Kabbalah teachings consider animals to have souls. One of the first videos says that humans do not have a soul and they only have a spark and will have a soul as they progress spiritually. I may not have it totally correct yet but that is my understanding from the video. I have a long way to go I know.

      • #372688

        Welcome Joel!

        According to Kabbalah, animals do not possess souls in the same sense that humans can potentially have. Animals are animated by a life-giving force, often called the “animal soul,” which animates their bodies just as it does for human bodies. This force comprises desires that contain a small fraction of the lightthat animates them. Unlike humans, these desires in animals do not require a spiritual correction or alignment between desire and light.


        • #372693

          Thank you Chris for your answer.
          I hear a lot that animals have more intelligence than was previously thought and that they have emotions similar to humans. Do you feel that according to Kabbalah teachings this outlook could be answered? Also so far I Live the clarity of your answers. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

        • #372732

          Hey, my pleasure 🙂

          Animals operate purely on instinct, without the complex emotional and intellectual capacities that humans possess. This does not mean that animals do not have emotions or intelligence, but their experiences and actions are dictated by instinct rather than free choice. For example, animals, including pets, can experience emotions such as loyalty and empathy towards humans… they can even sense the owner’s mood and react to it with sincerity and purity. I think we’ve all felt this.

        • #372694

          That was I Love the clarity of your answers!

    • #372629
      mrc s

      What is the difference between the knowledge of future humanity’s state of the Kabbalists and the Prophets and divination?

      • #372687

        Not sure…but Kabbalists tell us what the program of creation is and what the end goal/result will be and this is agreed throughout.

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