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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

Viewing 6 posts - 517 through 522 (of 1,230 total)
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    • #332332
      mrc s

      What is the purpose of evil?

      • #332357

        There is no objective evil, rather the recognition of our corruption shows us the opposite of the Creator and this is what is called evil. The Creator only does good, it’s our disconnection from that which shows us a different reality.

    • #332331
      mrc s

      Is the recognition of evil means that we are more evil than before ( short of regressing) and harder to do good?

      • #332355

        The recognition of evil is just as it sounds, it shows us what we have as our nature whereas before it was concealed from us which soon prompts us to ask for correction. Before recognition of evil, there’s as if no correction to ask for.


    • #332321
      mrc s

      Does the world beautiful and good only if I achieve Dvekut or already but I just can’t see it?

      • #332354

        Only if you correct yourself you’ll see the how the Creator created a world and rules it with Good that does good.



    • #332247
      mrc s

      If we obtain pleasure for ourselves is it a decline rather than an ascent?

      • #332298

        Correct. By this we distance ourselves from the purpose of creation.

        • #332324
          mrc s

          So it is better to not receive than to receive for ourselves, I thought Kabbalah is against fasting and restraining ourselves, ascetic practices?

    • #332245
      mrc s

      Does the mind body soul spirit connected like if my body is healthy the rest also?

      • #332297

        Hey mrc,

        The body is just a “clothing”. We can fill this body with pleasures but this has no affect on the spiritual.


    • #332244
      mrc s

      Man have a soul, spirit, body and mind? Doing good to the body and mind of others Im familiar but how to do good to their soul and spirit.?

      • #332296

        This body is temporary and the soul is eternal. We know how this world works–birth>death–it’s a cycle of the changes happening in the upper world–in the spiritual. Doing good is considered doing good to promote the purpose of creation, of correction.


Viewing 6 posts - 517 through 522 (of 1,230 total)
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