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    • #412876

      Hi Gianni,

      In Rav’s blog, there was this question asked and his answer.

      Q: There is nothing except the Creator and me?

      A: There is no Creator. He is in me. As a result, there is nothing but me.

      I have also heard it said that we are not the Creator. Can you please explain?

      Thank you!

      • #412886

        Because there’s no Creator, no Upper World. We have to build it. And even then, it’s only revealed in your properties, when they’re brought into Equivalence with the Creator.

    • #412728

      Hi Gianni,

      On Unity day, today, we read

      9. Rav Kook

      Each one should know and understand that within him burns a candle, that his candle is not as his friend’s candle, and there is no person who has no candle. Each one should know and understand that he must toil to reveal the candle to everyone, and to light it into a great torch and to illuminate the whole world.

      I have a few questions please, as I cannot get to ask Rav:

      1. “he must toil to reveal the candle to everyone” – what does it mean to reveal the candle TO everyone? How do you do that?

      2. But first one must find/reveal the candle in him, in order to be able to reveal it to everyone, right? What does that mean? How do you find/reveal the candle in me?

      Thank you a million in advance!

      Happy Holidays! 🙂

      • #413086

        Dear Gianni,

        the answer above that there is no upper world and  there is no  Creator,  seems a little confusing, please help me understand

        – Our Rav says our work is to influence the upper light/Worlds , how do we influence it if it does not exist?

        – In what properties and qualities in us is the Creator revealed?

        – Finally, is there is no Creator, what is the Basis of ” There is None Else Besides Him”?


        • #413117

          Until we are already in Equivalence with the Creator to some degree, there is no Creator. First we do, even though He doesn’t exist. Then He is revealed. First, we behave, internally, as if there is none but Him, and then we get into enough Equivalence with that state that it turns out that there is none but Him. And that’s because He is revealed in properties that are opposite to our set point in each moment. We always have to go out of ourselves and enter the friends because in the connection between them is the Creator. If I’m not between, then it’s like if there was no gravity there’d be no reality as you know it. So, if there’s no connection between the friends, the Creator doesn’t exist except as a religious fantasy.

      • #412815

        His candle is the spark of the Creator, his Point in the Heart. We need to show each other how much we’re helping all the friends to reach the goal. You’re right, we have to locate this candle, and sort it; when we sort our Point in the Heart from our other, contrasting desires, we can deliver it to the friends.

        • #413131

          Thank you very very much,  Understood.

    • #412622

      Hi Gianni, I read a lot in this forum, and itś starting to make me feel rather confused. So far, I was really fine with the concept of spirituality, that I learned about in all the courses, and Q/As. Because I felt it was going beyond religions, and beliefs, connecting and exploring what is at the core of basically everything that exists, and really trying to reveal the „laws of nature“. But when I read this forum, and also when it comes to some of the Grad classes and discussions there,  it seems to be a lot about definitions from  Thorah or Bible, about commandments or „laws of God“, and in general a lot seems to be about „good and evil“. I am starting to feel that I am maybe in the wrong place here.. Itś no critism, I just really think, maybe I am not right to be here. For one thing,  I dońt understand the point of stressing out that as humans we are evil all the time, because evidently, if we had managed all the journey, we wouldńt be here.  For a second thing, I was looking for discovering more about the laws of nature that connect everything, but now I feel itś all about Thorah, Bible, evil inclination and being bad right down from the core. Whatś the connection between the laws of nature and this religion-related ideas? And what is the attitude suggested to have towards these things? I am happy for any honest answer to that. Because it doesńt make sense to me to keep going and invest my heart and time into it, if in the end it´s getting me back to believing in good and evil. (That doesńt mean that I don´t see the egoistic nature of mankind. I just dońt see why I should beat myself up for this…  I feel itś hard enough to just accept it and try to grow beyond it in little steps) .

      • #412852

        Hi, these questions have  been answered in  the Q/A today, I think. So, it should be fine, I understood that it is not about good and evil, and not about the religious aspects of Thorah, Bible or else, and also not about commandments and religious laws, but – and thatś what I had hoped- that all these terms need to be re-interpreted in terms of spirituality. Like a Mitzva would be a correction, i.e. an internal process relation to oneś intention, and not so much the physical action you would find in terms of religion, I hope I got that right now. Please tell me, if I am wrong, since I feel itś better to clarify at the beginning of this journey rather than to stumble over it all the time along the way. (Just so that no one gets it wrong, I totally respect every aspect of religion, itś just not what I relate to spirituality personally, therefore I need to differentiate).

        • #412877

          The same concepts that seem ‘religious’ could’ve been expressed only in terms of forces, Sefirot – like physics. But the Four Languages of spiritual expression are not artificial languages, but relate to the four levels of the soul, and there’s benefit to us learning to move as freely between them as Baal HaSulam and Rabash do in their writings.

        • #413021

          Thank you, thatś helpful 🙂 What are the four languages of spiritual expression?

        • #413044

          Torah, Legends, Laws, Kabbalah.

    • #412605

      Who or what is the Creator? We read in the TES Questions table from Baal HaSulam following:

      11. Creator (Part 1, Inner Observation, 18)

      The name Creator relates solely to the actual innovation, meaning the “existence from absence,” which is the substance of the Kelim, defined as the “will to receive” in every essence. It was necessarily absent from Himself prior to creation.

      1. When the question is about the Creator – why is the answer depicting the will to receive?

      2. Is the Creator the will to receive!?

      3. If it is about emphasizing the aspect of “relating” – why does the answer anyway relate to the will to receive instead of to the Creator?

      Unfortunately I missed the Grad Class, this question being a question for the best fit in Mike, but because it really burns at time, I put it here, thanks Gianni. How do YOU see it!?

      • #412878

        No, the Creator relates to the innovation, which is the Will to Receive – meaning He has no essence to speak of that is detached from His Creation, being the Will to Receive. As “There is no Light without a Kli,” any discussion of the Creator detached from His Creation is considered out of bounds, as all the wisdom of Kabbalah is written by Created Beings, Kabbalists, who, although they attained high degrees of Equivalence with Him, nevertheless attained it from their Kli (vessel) reaching Equivalence with Him. He is called “Come and See” [Bo u Ray, Creator], meaning come with your corrected Kli and inside it reveal Him through being Equivalent with Him in your properties. This is the Creator Baal HaSulam writes about.

    • #412593
      Magsy Kapoor

      Hi Gianni,

      What are Mitzvot? I realize that this is a very broad question, so let me elaborate. I have a general understanding of what a Mitzva is, but I don’t understand what my attitude should be (and without the proper attitude, it’s just a mechanical action). So is it something I believe would bring pleasure to the Creator or something that I know would bring Him pleasure? Do I keep questioning and examining it until I know or do I focus on the internal sensation towards the Creator and continue to perform an action as a tool, with the belief that it brings Him pleasure?

      Thank you <3

      • #412885

        The Mitzvot are like recipes, very specific internal actions. But until all that is revealed, it’s more than enough to work toward love of friends with the expectation for the Light to work. Imagine your sweet toddler tries to do something nice for you from the bottom of her heart, because she loves her mommy. Does it matter exactly how and what she did? Try doing everything for the friends and Creator, with the expectation in the heart for the Light to help, and see what response you get.

        • #412931
          Magsy Kapoor

          Thank you, Gianni! What if I don’t want to be a toddler anymore? I don’t want to serve make-believe pleasures to my parent or do for them something that I would consider enjoyable. What if I want to really understand them and please them on their level? Shouldn’t I be aiming to grasp what pleases them? Or am I not capable of even that at this point? And what do I need to do to come to a point where the Light’s influence has matured me enough? Somehow it doesn’t feel possible for me to rest now in the awareness that I am just a kid. The moment I become aware of my smallness, I immediately want to move past it and offer something real to the Creator and my friends.

        • #413043

          Then, you need to keep trying. This is a force of nature, a system of laws surrounding it, and when you feel yourself in this soup, with correct intentions that feed through your friends toward the Creator, then you’ll feel there’s a feedback system there by which you’ll know for sure if you’re giving the Creator contentment. At the same time we should be happy just to serve the Creator somehow, even in Lo Lishma of Lo Lishma. Anyway, on each degree there’s Ibur (impregnation), Katnut (smallness), Gadlut (greatness), and we need to be content to be in any state.

    • #412022


      Do you have the lyrics in Hebrew for the song that begins “And today we call upon you when you are near..” ?

      Thank you.

      • #412890

        The song is בהיותך קרוב. I don’t have the Hebrew lyrics. But here’s a link to the song:

        And these are the English lyrics:

        We stand before you, we are holding hands


        On this very day

        Em                   C

        A picture perfect state


        Of our yielding clay

        C               D

        Empty of deeds, our hands are bare

        D     G

        Our hearts are dust and ashes

        C           D

        There is nowhere left to turn

        D             G

        We see the broken pieces

        Chorus 2x

        G C

        And today we call upon your wisdom

        C           G

        Though you are always near

        Em             C

        Today we call upon your grace

        C         G

        Teach us how to give

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