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    • #331626
      Adelina Santos


      Is the light that Reforms the same as surrounding light?

      Thank you


    • #331496

      Where is all this going?  What happens after we connect enough points in the heart and correct the world?  Where will Kabbalah be in 1000 years?  Does humanity dwell with the Creator?  What does that look like?  Like specifically.  Does all the chaos and confusion in the world resolve?

      Or does the corporeal world implode from the maturation of the ego.  Is that the plan?  Do we all end up as dust because we blew ourselves up and we live in the rest of our existence in spirituality?

      • #331572

        No, we can’t reach spirituality that way. This is the ideal reality for reaching it, and from here precisely we will reach it. Only then this world can disapear from our perception. Each circle that connects, awakens further circles. This world exists as long as there are still those who have not corrected themselves. Afterward, this imagination disappears.

        • #331635

          Interesting!  Seth said tonight in the Sage Speaks “Not even Kabbalist know what the end of correction looks like, we’ve never seen it”

        • #331637

          I wrote earlier today almost the same thing as Seth to a student in another forum. What can we do if Kabbalists contradict each other, and even themselves?

        • #331646

          What can we do, really?🤔
          Anything but leave?

        • #331647

          Sure. Stay a bit longer. Then a person sees that there’s always a contradiction. Not just one, but every time. In the writings themselves there’s usually two opinions, then between them the middle line. I don’t reach that unless I change.

        • #331696

          I feel like they are both perfectly good answers!  Iron sharpening Iron.  Different perspectives of the same outcome.  There are probably many answers to this question.  I’d love to hear them all.

        • #331653

          Wow, that’s deep❣️

    • #331444

      There is no coercion in spirituality, but the Creator keeps pushing me into impossible situations to see that I have no one else to turn to for help and that I must put all my eggs in His basket, no questions asked. Isn’t that coercion too?

      • #331472

        “There’s no coercion in spirituality,” but in corporeality, “he is coerced until he cries out, ‘I want.'” We’ll be squeezed until then. Upon us is only to run faster than the boot that is definitely raised in the air already to kick us again and again until we go faster toward the goal of life.

        • #331485

          Oh, ok, it seems like I’m dragging my feet then…

          Thanks, Gianni!

    • #331442

      In a society, I need to learn to bestow to others, and not care about the response that I might or might not get. On the other hand, I need to be certain that they are bestowing to me, which simply means, I will give all since I am sure that I will receive more from everyone else. Isn’t that the calculation from the corporeal world too?

      • #331473

        Sure, there are many degrees in Lo Lishma (not for the sake of the Creator) as well. But it’s already on way to the spiritual goal. Because “from Lo Lishma one comes to Lishma.” Specifically through the degrees of Lo Lishma.

    • #331419

      I was listening to Seth last Tuesday and he said to try to see the Creator in everything around us and our responses too, and everything basically, and actually, that is something that I do as much as I can since I first heard “There is none else besides HIM”, but in the corporeal life that left me feeling castrated in a way, as I see people that are attacking me and I cannot respond properly because I see HIM in them and how can I defend myself against HIM or even attack back if necessary? So, I don’t know how to overcome this feeling of castration and respond properly as I should in the corporeal world. I don’t even know anymore what a proper response would be… Can someone help me with this, please?

      Thank you in advance!

      • #331423

        In the corporeal world I behave according to the corporeal laws that the Creator established. “If someone comes to kill you, kill him first.” If it already manifested at this level, now I have deal with it at this level. Going forward I try to deal with all things in a spiritual way, scrutinizing my relationship with others and through them, with the Creator. But what’s manifested corporeally I deal with by corporeal means, what’s considered appropriate among the general public.

        • #331443

          Thanks, Gianni, I seem to have a problem with the corporeal world too…

    • #331361

      Kabbalists advise that we are prohibited to talk with friends about personal sensations related to internal states, in order to prevent bad influence upon them, even unintentionally.

      This is thought provoking! Kindly could an instructor shed more light on this please?

      • #331367

        It’s one of the many things that we do to try to approximate the spiritual state, so as to draw Light from our Upper, future state. When I reach the spiritual degree, that’s how I feel, that I prefer to be hidden. Like the Creator is hidden. If I feel like telling others, it’s because it’s not really a spiritual state yet.

        It’s true too that I can harm others and myself by talking about anything internal. Our currency is greatness of the goal.

        • #331375

          Thank you so much Gianni!

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