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- This topic has 494 replies, 183 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago by
Seth – KabU Instructor.
- January 21, 2021 at 3:45 pm EST #37684
Tony Kosinec- KabU InstructorModeratorAsk anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.
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- August 31, 2023 at 9:13 am EDT #329930
Alejandro Escontrias
ParticipantIf all that is created is from the Creator, both dark and Light, evil and good, left and right, and it is only our perception of these things. And our natural ego is a tool to bring us closer to Hashem, our ego being our desire for pleasure, and intent is all that matters. Then what is the difference for someone to say: “my intent now to follow my ego and enjoy all worldly pleasures, or do whatever pleases me for the sake of The Creator”. What if someone engages in what we see as evil, and he merely says, “I am doing the Will of the Creator for he made me so, and it too is bringing me closer to Him because now my intent to engage in evil is not for myself but for Him, since that too comes from Him, and my mission is to cause a resistance for you to desire to be closer to Him, which will in the end draw you closer to Him to overcome what I am presenting as evil”?
I heard somewhere that there was a sect of Judaism and maybe other “secret societies” that used a similar argument, and engaged in immoral behavior, is this true?
- September 2, 2023 at 10:26 am EDT #330063
Alejandro Escontrias
ParticipantI believe I found the answer, but im not sure…
Rambam on Ki Tavo: Deut 28:9
Because a Torah mitzvah is to emmulate the Creator in His attributes of gracious, compassionate, benevolent
Sefer Hamitzvot, Positive Commanment #8
Is this correct?
This would keep us from “serving the other side”? And so a “good intention” to do evil is a false intention?
I can see this on a “most evil” level, but what about a lesser evil?
Example: a mother steals a loaf of bread to feed her starving children from a shop keeper who conducts his livelihood honestly to provide for his children and by being stolen from lessens his ability to feed his children. They go to court, who wins? We see here the intention is “good” in both parties, even though one is performing mitzvah honestly(good) and one is breaking mitzvah (evil).
What does the judge do?
He does not punish the “guilty” mother. He levies a tax on the community to pay for the loaf of bread that the mother stole. He punishes the community since had the community done what was right in emulating the good qualities of the Creator,the woman would not have had to steal.
So, even though the woman was not punished for doing evil which for a moment in time (the other side would say see, “you can do evil with a good intention”), the whole community was punished as being responsible by not emulating the qualities of the Creator, and thus overrides that false statement.
Am I correct in applying this on a “worldy” level and so it would apply in the Kabbalistic Spiritual level?
That the Kli (ego, evil, etc) is temporary and our final goal is to be totally immersed into the good attribute of Love.
So serving evil with a good intention does not lead to that final goal?
- September 19, 2023 at 8:45 am EDT #331190
Seth – KabU Instructor
We are not talking about stealing bread.
There is a justice system in your town and every country has different laws and California has different laws than Casablanca, so in each place one follows the law of the land.
Here we are studying spirituality.
Make efforts to understand that spiritual laws that we are learning and don’t mix it with other things.
Later when these structures live inside of you you will understand everything you are asking.
- August 31, 2023 at 8:50 am EDT #329929
Alejandro Escontrias
ParticipantIf ultimately, all action is from Him, does the mere fact that The Creator created me, indicate that I will ascend because He cannot fail in his purpose? If I have no free will and there is no other power or authority other than Him, then I cannot go against his Will, no matter what I do, think, attain?
- September 19, 2023 at 8:43 am EDT #331189
Seth – KabU Instructor
You are already in a field of endless light.
But since a spark does not feel itself when it is in the sun, so the Creator conceals Himself for our benefit, so we can feel our existence, otherwise there is no you who feels anything of his own.
No matter what you do the Creator is ruling everything, but how much do you feel that? Do you live like the rest of the animals who do everything by instinct, or do you step by step reveal His guidance?
This is in our hands.
- August 31, 2023 at 8:32 am EDT #329924
Alejandro Escontrias
ParticipantCreator, I have a alot of corrections to be made, in fact I am the most egoistic creature of all creation, please help me. I can do nothing but ask you to bring me closer even with both your right and left
- August 30, 2023 at 3:05 pm EDT #329882
ParticipantHow can we know we are on the right path? How can we know that we have the right intensions. Both types, ascents and descents are given to us by the creator as a reflection on how we are or what our intensions are. how should we interpret the gift of the creator ? How do we know what to correct? (sorry for the many questions in one sentence)
- August 30, 2023 at 9:02 pm EDT #329899
Seth – KabU Instructor
The wisdom of kabbalah is a spiritual science. Because of that, when we are engaged in spirituality, there is no connection to the corporeal world.
On the other hand, everything in the corporeal world is like an imprint from the spiritual worlds.
Therefore, we cannot attain spirituality through physical actions, but we can arrange our physical life so that we can reveal spirituality.
The first thing one must do is establish his foundation in the study.
If one builds his foundation on a rickety foundation, the structure will inevitably fall.
So as you study, do research on yourself.
You study that the Creator created a will to recieve, that that is the entire creation that develops according to His name Yud – Hey – Vav – Hey, we see that in our world as the will to receive on the level on inanimte, vegatative, animate and speaking.
Do you see this? Do you see that all of reality is different degrees of the will to receive?
Now do research on yourself. Discover that everything you do is only for self benefit. Even when you do mercy upon another it is to make you feel better, or for honor or respect, or to calm you down, many reasons.
So like this step by step as you study, you test it on yourself and brick by brick as you test and empirically determine what is what and build a foundation. And the higher the structure will be, the deeper the foundation has to be.One goes through many descents in order to discover a need for the Creator. Before the descent, he didn’t need Him so much. And then the light fills that empty space and he ascends. When one ascends, that is the time to engage more in the study since once he descends he relies on the framework he prepared for himself.
In this way, we reveal each correction starting with the smallest until we reach the end of the corrections.
- August 29, 2023 at 8:27 am EDT #329819
ParticipantA question regarding some of the traditions that we follow. If I understand it correctly the 613 laws contained in the upper world are qualities rather than numbers. In the corporeal world we, or I at least, relate them to 613 desires to bring pleasure to the creator. The mitzvot of the Torah, a particularly Jewish phenomenon? I must admit that some Sunday mornings the laying of Tefillin for example, is not always done with any thought at all of bringing pleasure to the creator. It’s more an act of perceived duty, saying the Sh’ma and Amidah without a whole lot of thought for it’s meaning. From the comments on prayer from the video is this OK or a waste of time? Should we continue with this commandment and others regardless of circumstances?
- September 1, 2023 at 4:26 pm EDT #330032
ParticipantThanks for your answer and clarification
- August 29, 2023 at 10:56 am EDT #329824
Seth – KabU Instructor
What you found here is a spiritual heritage, which we, your instructors received from our teacher, a kabbalist who attained what we study, who received it from his teacher mouth to mouth, who received it from his teacher Baal HaSulam, the author of the Sulam commentary and upon whose teaching, our method is based.
We don’t give advices on what to wrap on your arms or what frontlets between your eyes, what to put on your doorpost or what foods to eat. We learn about the laws of the spiritual reality that apply to all humanity, albeit it starts with a small group at first and then spreads in circles.
These are the laws of the Torah as understood by those who attained them.Regarding the customs of the people with their hands and feet, the Jewish people who are descendants of the kabbalists have many customs with their hands and feet that have spiritual roots. And other religions have their customs. This is up to each person and does not disturb your spiritual development.
- August 27, 2023 at 1:36 am EDT #329641
Dennis Ibrahim
ParticipantThank you for these lessons
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