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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #309076

      Thanks for this lesson. My question is; Why do I feel separated from the creator despite my efforts to reach him, I still feel empty! What conviction can I have to know that that feeling of separation is part of his plan?

      • #309107

        When we look into space, we see a lot of empty black space.
        But today there exists many very powerful telescopes.
        If you look at that empty black space with the powerful telescope, you will see billions and billions of stars.
        The stars are there, but we don’t see them with our eyes as they are, we need some tool to look through and then we can see the light.
        Reality is full of the endless light of the Creator.
        How can we feel it?
        We don’t even know where it is.
        How can we find it, where can we look, what tools do we need?
        If you see a newborn baby, he doesn’t know who is his mother and who is his father.  He doesn’t know what world he lives in.
        We are like those babies towards the spiritual world.
        However, for us, we can turn to the Upper One and start to feel that we He is so much bigger than us and we just want to flow with Him, to go with Him, like a parent picks up the child and the child can go everywhere with him.
        The advancement on the left line means that we are given a feeling of emptiness.  This gives us a place to ask Him to help us because we feel we are helpless without him.
        Then we advance on the right line which means He fills that emptiness and we give thanks to Him and we fee wholeness like we lack nothing.
        And like this we advance left, right, left right, higher and higher.
        Good luck my friend,

    • #309032

      The only question that comes to me is if Kabbalah ascertains that the evolutionary process of humanity with its intricate personal work overflowing to the collective, is in its last generation (200years)?

      • #309073

        We are in special period called the Last Generation, which is really the first generation to enter spiritual development as a collective.
        It is the last generation of our corporeal development, it means that now it is time for us to rise.|
        In general, years in the wisdom of kabbalah refer to changes of inner states.

    • #308278

      Hi, From the lesson I understand that if I attribute to myself the decision to know the Creator rather than acknowledging that it is only the Creator that is the source of my decision, that is sin. It seems that I can entertain in my mind a choice between the two. I can envision attributing the decision to myself and alternatively to the Creator. However, with knowledge from the lesson I learn to only focus on attributing the decision to the Creator. My question concerns that thought of attributing the decision to myself. Is that thought the doubt that was spoken about in the lesson? Thank you, Tom

      • #308450


        You are talking about very lofty things. We are taking a class trip to the World Cup and we see the best players in the world on the field and we understand that simply they are trying to get a small ball into an big net.  Easy.

        But to get on the field and run for 90 minutes with some of the best athletes in the world. Forget about soccer/football skill, just the lack cardio training would be enough to knock us out, coupled with skill at the sport, and game IQ and the pressure of millions of people watching.

        So we are reading what the giant Kabbalist Baal HaSulam, the author of the Sulam commentary on Zohar wrote to us.
        Don’t worry, we are not sinning, we are not doing mitzvot, we are like babies who are waking up. And we became little kids and we were taken to the big field and we are hearing about how the big Kabbalists do it.

        In the one hand you need to do everything in your power to reach the goal. And we’ll learn about this more, at the beginning of each day (day = spiritual state) “whatever is in your hand to do, do.” And at the end of the day, to behave as “there is none else besides You.” Meaning even if I sat on the couch all day and didn’t get up and work with all my might, I’d still receive the same reward.
        between these two opposites we build a correct model of our inner world using the system that the Creator prepared for us in order to reach Him step by step.
        Keep asking if this is not clear.


    • #307804
      Leah Bergman


    • #307798

      Because of the way it is described to “attain” the spiritual world by developing a “sixth sense”, I wonder what Kabbalist think about the experiences with “plants of power” or psychedelics (Ayahuasca, LSD, etc.), that are supposed to make you feel one with everything (a different reality). There’s people that say cannabis was used sacramentally by Moses and the ancient Israelites.

      Would it help to “open the sixth sense” like this? (Because of what you say in a video about trying to explain a blind what is blue).

      • #307809


        Each person must find a path that is suitable for their heart provided that it does not harm others.

        The Kabbalistic method builds in a person an inner structure through many efforts over time wherein the she works with the negative force given by nature naturally and by learning to draw the upper positive force thereby rising ever higher revealing more and more light, balance, wholeness, contentment, etc.

        This is a totally different method from that of a shaman or using psychoactive plants, whereby through ingesting a substance you alter your chemistry and it produces altered states even higher states of consciousness.  The feelings of oneness and unity are often described from such experiences.

        However these are wholly different methods and the outcomes are very different. The kabbalist brings all of nature into balance, inanimate, vegetative, animate and human degrees by bringing her inner world into balance.

        We will learn more about this in further courses.


    • #307790

      I’m experiencing challenges where I accept that I can only exist within Creator. In other words I can do nothing of myself not even learn the value of the corrections. As this is happening I am growing my desire to connect with others and in this way connect with and truly Love Creator. Is this an example of my will to receive becoming “more course”- therefore I have established the proper intent to fulfill my purpose as Creature and thereby bring contentment the Creator? Am I building connection to the Collective Soul?

      • #307981

        Thank you, Seth!

      • #307808


        There is too much for me to follow in your question you are presenting a lot of concepts that you didn’t full digest completely yet.
        First we are in a preparation period. As you continue you will have the opportunity to engage in the practical work of kabbalah with others who are studying with you. There you work on this love and discover more and more how opposite our nature is. Here we reveal our coarseness.  This state requires us to search for a way out of this prison of the ego. Despaired of our powers to break free from the grip of our ego we reach a true prayer and this draws the reforming light that changes our nature, enabling us to love the other as ourself. This is called building the collective souls wherein the light of the Creator can dwell.


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