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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 226 total)
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    • #320423
      Yeshua Catherineka

      Not able to understand the following paragraph, could you please explain it simply. Thanks

      The same applies when one feels some closeness to holiness,
      when he feels joy at having been favored by the Creator. Then,
      too, one must say that one’s joy is primarily because now there
      is joy Above, within the Holy Shechina, at being able to bring her
      private organ near her, and that she did not have to send her
      private organ away.

      • #320466

        Yeshua Catherineka,
        When we feel close to the Creator and when we feel far from the Creator, that is because these are states that are coming from the Creator, already determined beforehand.  Even when we pray to the Creator, that is because the Creator sent us a desire to want to be close to Him.
        So even when we feel close, we should feel that it is because now He wants me to feel close to Him.
        Why in another situation would He want me to feel far from Him?  This is a question you did not ask, but is a question to think about.
        If the answer is not clear, we will discuss it more later.  Think about it.

    • #320340

      Absolutely Amazing!  This reminds me of the 12 steps for some reason.  There are steps and I can see where rejection that I perceived being from a person, was my Creator drawing me to Him.  I have had to come to the understanding that “Only He” can restore and grow me.  This explains now how in the Psalms we witness David feeling disconnected and crying out in despair. Is this a correct perception of the Psalms?

      Thank you so much.  May love shine forth!  Blessings.

    • #320236
      M H

      The statement that everything except my own will to receive is from the creator is so freeing. Even the will to receive has purpose and is good when intentions are correct.  I can see how this knowledge will help me to view the world different, and it will help me to love and forgive enemies’. Understanding I have no enemies, but only help from the lord to grow closer to him though his plan.  This is suddenly so clear.

    • #320234
      M H

      Thank you,

    • #320233
      M H

      I have needed  this teaching.  I have been a practicing Christian. I begged God the last time I felt close to him not to let me fall again, because the pendulum swings were growing wider every time. Of course I fell again.  I feared I would never make it back to him.  I am in tears realizing he was never gone.

    • #320159

      There is one colective soul, everything has a piece of that soul, humans have the opportunity to develop it further so that the colective soul can grow?

      • #320463

        Actually, we already exist in the one perfect system.
        Why don’t we feel it?
        Only our perception prevents us from feeling it.
        How to change our perception?  For this we have to develop.
        It is like trying to give a newborn baby a cigar and a scotch.  He has no pleasure from this yet.
        But give to his grandpa and he will enjoy very much.  But how can someone enjoy inhaling smoke and sipping something so bitter?
        How can we enjoy to give everything (bestowal)? That is bitter to our ego.  So slowly we learn to perceive bit by bit the true reality that we are in. … as much as we are capable of handling it.
        I remember you from the retreat!

        • #320690

          Thank you Seth. the retreat was amazing, a very special experience and boost to my consciousness. For me the confirmation to continue taking the courses.

          Greetings Meine

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 226 total)
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