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    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #315838

      Hello again,

      Ok, let’s say Creator created a Will to Receive and it wants to fill it with Light and all that.

      So, what’s the end game? Why? If He is a Will to Bestow, He is not doing it to gain something, so why? Why go through all these troubles?

      And, ok, we will get there eventually, and…? Then what? We will create our Kli and start this whole process all over again? Another 6.000 years?


      • #315901

        You are asking about what is called the Thought of Creation.
        This thought is to create a creature and fill it with endless delight.
        From this thought comes everything, all the cascading of the light in four phases and the creation of the kli, the restriction, the screen, the building of the worlds, partzufim and sefirot, all so that the creature would be able to have a way to feel itself separate from the Creator and from there, to feel itself and also the Creator, and then to slowly slowly ascend back up along the exact same steps that the Light took when it cascaded down.
        At the end of the 6000 years of correction (qualitative measurement, not astrological time…2000 years the world of Assiyah, 2000 years the world of Yetzirah, 2000 years the world of Beriyah) we complete the correction of the vessel and transform the intention from 100% to receive to 100% to bestow.  All of this rises to the world of Atzilut which is then raised all the way back up.
        This entire process is described in the authentic books of kabbalah.
        After the final correction is called the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th millenia.  Our books don’t speak about those degrees at all, this is something that will be revealed after the final correction.

    • #315622

      How and why does our perception of good or bad hide the Creator’s benevolence, His kindness, His charitableness towards us?

      • #315733

        There is a reality that we exist in, and what do our senses really do?  How much of the total reality do they let into your body for you to sense?  Can you eyes see as far as an eagle’s eye?  Can your nose tell you what is on the other side of the door like a dog’s can?  Our senses allow just a small amount of reality into our field of perception.

        Certainly it would be better if we could perceive everything.  As we learn later about the process of creation, that original creation contained everything, all of the power and force and delight in existence, but there was no one to sense it, in that perfect reality where everything is completely one, no heiachry, no head and no tail, no front and no back, everything is completely absorbed into that One.  In order that we would perceive ourselves and then from there begin to build a perception of what is the Creator that is seemingly outside of us the qualities of the Creator called Bina/bestowal and the quality of the creature called Malchut/reception were mixed.  And from this mixture we can feel, we can measure, we can draw close and eventually though many efforts and actions, attain.

    • #315220

      There is none else besides him. What I don’t understand is who are we then? from this lesson, it states that our attitude towards the creator is the only thing that we can change.  It sounds like that is something else besides the creator? When I look at the natural world, I realize that all the animals, trees, and inanimate objects fall into line with the thought of creation. It is only our ego that goes against the grain.  I look at a lot of people who are not on this pathway and they will never enter this pathway. Do they have some quality that is besides him? My intuition says that your answer will say that it is only an illusion that we are separate from God, but if so, is that illusion in itself besides him?  Your answer will be that God placed this illusion into us so that we can rest next to him as the ultimate perfected piece of his creation if we so choose. but it still seems paradoxical to me.

      • #315233

        Get comfortable with paradoxes in the wisdom of kabbalah.  We are on a path towards a spiritual perception.  In the simplest example, a child thinks you are a bad dad because you don’t let him have chocolate ice cream at 11pm and stay up until midnight on a school night.  So from his perspective how can you both be a good dad and not give him what he wants? In his perspective you are so mean.  But from your perspective, which is much higher than his, you seen another reality where the child will be exhausted at school the next day and will suffer because of it.
        So we are approaching a spiritual reality where the laws are not the same as our corporeal reality and even though we don’t feel spirituality yet, we need to begin to follow them.  Like the child who needs to agree that dad is loving and good even though it makes no sense to him and a child is incapable of this, but we are capable.
        The Creator is controlling everything David.  Every thought and action arises after many preceding events.  Everything that we experience is an “effect” that follows many previous “causes”.  All the people around us that you mentioned are running a program of how to get the most pleasure for the least effort.  There is no reason to criticize them for this, this is how they are created, this is how all of reality is created.  So where is our free will in all this?  In the meantime we don’t have any, of course if feels that I chose which shirt to wear and what to eat for lunch, and it must be this way and will continue to be this way for now, and we shouldn’t fight against this, just to be a regular person, eat, work, rest, be healthy, family.  And also while living this life, to start to feel the governing force behind everything.  Live a normal life on the animate degree and also in your heart and mind begin to feel that there is an operating force, guiding and arranging everything.  This is called that the Kabbalist lives in two worlds and later when you develop your spiritual perception you will feel the spiritual world and understand and feel where is the freedom, the freedom to be in love and bestowal like he is love and bestowal and the lower degrees, ….well, now for example you are breathing and your heart is pumping but that doesn’t get in the way or effect you having grapefruit or alternatively orange juice for breakfast.  So later your entire animate existence will be and there are reasons why and from it, it will give us a launch pad to many feelings and discernments, but above it on another degree, higher than the corporeal world, you will also exist.

        • #315352

          Thank you, thinking about our physical functions in relation to our rational functions in relation to our spiritual functions helps me perceive the paradox better!

    • #315155

      Can’t formulate my questions, it just works under_consciously in me. But can we say this?:

      Perfect love casts out fear. If fear exists
      then there is no perfect love.
      Only perfect love exists.
      when there is fear
      it creates a state that does not exist.


      • #315231

        I don’t understand what you wrote.
        Fear and love come together.  We cannot say that we truly love someone if we don’t have fear of losing them.

    • #314941

      It’s our attitude is all we can change?


      • #315230

        Yes.  Imagine if you are in -28 degrees and it is very cold and you had to walk for miles, how would you feel?
        Now imagine that you trained to climb Everest and this is your life goal, and now it is -28 and you are walking for miles, it is a totally different experience.
        It’s a small example, but when we understand and feel what is really happening to us, what process we are in, why and where it is guiding us, a new world opens.

    • #314921

      I need to reiterate the knowledge gained with materials from this lesson in a way I can understand better.
      I will try to use more technical language because I understand things most when they are well-defined.

      When I assume the Creator is doing everything, that means that my only point of freedom is if I perceive my separation from an action of the Creator.

      To specify it further. I am an abstract observer observing a stream of data. This data gives me the illusion that I’m an independent entity with autonomy, but this is not the case. All that “I” perceive including my
      thoughts and feelings are generated independently from what I consider myself.

      From this point, I can assume that I’m doing anything or everything is coming from the Creator.
      In this context, adhesion with the Creator is a perception that I’m only an observer.

      Is this correct?

      • #315085


        The answer that you want is impossible for me to give you, or anyone. The answer you want will come to you when you have what the Kabbalists call a corrected vessel called NRNHY. Those are the 5 degrees of the vessel –  that the now all of the light is outside of our vessel – and when it fills that vessel (called NRNHY) in your internality, then you will taste and know.

        In the meantime you are asking about where is our point of freedom. Truly there is no point of freedom now. According to our perception we feel that we are free in this or that. But look at at the universe and realize how small we are against the infinite power that developed us from matter over billions of years and the even before that. So who are we at all except the result of many causes that preceded us.

        Adhesion with the Creator means that we make our quality like His quality.

        As he is merciful (Hasadim), so are we merciful. It means that although we are 100% a desire to receive and that will not change, that is all that He created, but through corrections in love of the other and we will learn what this means and how and why and where, then we can develop a quality of hesed (hasadim) above our quality of reception.
        And even if we are 1% in hasadim, so we are 1% in adhesion with the infinite bestowing force we call the Creator.


        • #315136

          Hi Seth, thanks for the answer. That is not what I expected. It’s a much better honest answer making me realize I cannot think about this so scientifically at this level of development.

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