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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #58977

      my question is:

      so the creator frustrates my attempts to draw close to him just to put my real desire to the test?

      As the scripture says that my righteousness is like filty rags before him?


      • #59383

        Let’s leave the Creator out of this for a minute because we don’t know who He is yet and grabbing a line from a holy book will be hard without context.
        But let’s say that whoever this Creator is, He is governing all of reality with two forces, left and right, minus and plus.
        We can observe it everywhere, in everything.
        So what we call a test or something, it is the functioning of two forces.  If you were a giraffe experiencing a test you wouldn’t call it a test, just a regular day in the field.
        So let’s understand that the Creator is guiding us with two forces.
        Later we will understand with more nuance and specificity how, where, why, with what intensity and frequency, etc.

      • #59382

        Let’s leave the Creator out of this for a minute because we don’t know who He is yet and grabbing a line from a holy book will be hard without context.
        But let’s say that whoever this Creator is, He is governing all of reality with two forces, left and right, minus and plus.
        We can observe it everywhere, in everything.
        So what we call a test or something, it is the functioning of two forces.  If you were a giraffe experiencing a test you wouldn’t call it a test, just a regular day in the field.
        So let’s understand that the Creator is guiding us with two forces.
        Later we will understand with more nuance and specificity how, where, why, with what intensity and frequency, etc.

    • #58353
      Rune T. A.


      I have two questions.

      In my understanding of the Kabbalistic view of the Creator, He is not an active intelligence overseeing things and meddling in our affairs on Earth, but rather a force of bestowal, that drive us towards spirituallity to become like him. He is not actively deciding to make it rain here or there or the earth quake or cause a train to derail, but rather theese things happen as a consequence of our imballance with this force of bestowal. Is this a corect way of understanding?

      When I reach out to him in “conversation”, I sometimes feel I get answers in the shape of feelingstates or thought. Do you think I should dare to take theese answers as comming from him? I get so humbled that he would answer me, and I´m so much in awe of hes existence, presence, creativity, love and everything he´s given to me (us) to experince in this world, the good and the “bad”, that I am almost afraid to belive my own experince when I feel he (or rather his essence) is answering little old me. I think I might be afraid of my own ego in this regard…

      Thank you all for all your work.



      • #58646

        Hi Rune,
        Well this is a big bite that you took to try to chew 🙂
        Imagine the difference of how a 5 year old understands love and how her grandma understands love.
        The difference is huge, now compare the grandma to the intelligence in a city, in all of Earth, in all of the galaxy, all of the universe, and the Creator is the creator of the universe so to speak about Him, that’s a big bite to take.
        We can take a huge bite, but something that we can begin to chew and that is what emanates from Him that we can begin to feel, we call that spiritual light.  We discover that the light emanating from the Creator has the quality of bestowal, giving, it enlivens all of reality, it is 100% bestowing.
        We are in a closed system of laws, all of our praying, asking, acting in the wisdom of kabbalah is all to calibrate ourselves to that bestowing force.  And yes, we will reach a degree where we relate to the Creator like our closes friend, our most beloved lover and we feel that He relates that way to us.
        So speak to Him like that, relate to Him like you closest confidant, your closest lover, that is what He wants.

        • #59196
          Rune T. A.

          Thank you so much Seth. What you tell me makes sense and it is digestive on my level. Amazing how you can tune in on me and the other students. It feels like you speak directly to me, from my level of understanding. Spot on. I really need to attain this wisdom, and I very much appreciate that you are here for me (us). Thanx.

      • #58359
        Rune T. A.

        I have watched the second video just now and it helped me a little 🙂

        Howerver, I would still like a reply from a Kabbalist.

    • #58147
      Ed Mereoară

      How many hours a day a person should study kabbalah?

      • #58187

        We want to add and not subtract.
        So make a framework for yourself that for example, everyday I will read, watch videos and take notes for 30 minutes or maybe 1 hour.  You decide.
        Now do that on the days when you are inspired and on the days where you feel nothing, on the days that it is sunny and on the days that it is rainy.  This becomes a part of your life.  Everyday you eat food, now everyday you eat spiritual food.

        You can do whatever you want with your free time.  Maybe while you are cooking dinner you can put a video or an audiobook on.  Whatever extra you want, but you don’t take away from your framework.
        Of course if you have a special family event or if you have something that you are obligated to do, you can move the hour around, but in general, you are creating a framework for yourself.

        And in a few months you can add another 30 minutes or another hour to your framework.

        Later after these introduction courses you will be able to join the world group of students in our daily study with our teacher the kabbalist Rav Laitman.  We study for about 2.5 hours a day together and we also meet in small groups twice a day to read something and discuss.

        There is a whole world ahead.  Step by step.

    • #58129
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Sometimes I imagine what would be a right decision, but not to hurt or to dominate I don’t take action. I think it has to do with the left and the right vessel. It is like I don’t want to listen to the inner voice and let the decision do by others. I confuse myself if this would be egoism. To be convenient and to please the other is not really altruism is it? How you think, would be a right way? Or does it depend? Is this Will to bestow

      • #58186

        This is a common question for people who begin to open the books of kabbalah.
        This is a common confusion that many students have.
        On the one hand you live in this world, with police and laws and money and rain and sun and food and work and you must live in this world like a regular creature.  You need to be kind sometimes you need to be assertive sometimes and that is how it is in this physical world.  You cannot try to behave in a loving way to a person who is trying to steal from you or hurt you, you must get away and call the police.  You cannot tell your landlord that you love him and you don’t have money to pay rent.
        Maybe you love him, but you have to pay your rent every month.

        And on the other hand we start to open up the spiritual world, our inner emotional world, we start to feel that there is a guiding force, a governing force that controls all of reality.  This force guides me and you and the police and the moon and everything.  And we start to study the single, guiding force called the Creator.  And slowly we learn how to make spiritual contact.

        And then later we will see how everything even the police and the landlord all come into focus in the spiritual system.

    • #57976

      Am getting confused

      • #58019

        Take small bites.
        Why does it say “wise heart”?
        Because in the wisdom of kabbalah we attain in our sensations, not in our mind.
        Like we see the way that a baby learns, by sitting on the floor and being with the upper ones, soon the baby can communicate with them.
        That is how we will advance.

    • #57975

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Alot to think of</p>

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