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    • #287925

      So, if we are coming back together to create a new being…..are we creating Mashiach?

    • #287500

      Hello Giani,

      A few months ago, Seraphim asked a question (#184927) that I also would like to have an answer on, but it didn’t get a reply. I think it’s because he asked it in the “reflect” forum instead of the “ask” forum.

      Would you be so kind to give us your point of view on this topic please? Thanks, Tom

      • #287502

        Hi Tom,

        What was the question? I’m not seeing it.

        • #287565

          Ok. Here’s what Seraphim asked. It’s a long one, so sorry for that:

          It blows my mind that in talking about the history of spirituality Julian only mentions the line of (Jewish) Kabbalists who crossed the machsom into G”E and devekut with the spiritual world. Of course, it’s wonderful that they did this, but I think we should give credit where credit is due by acknowledging that many, many other adepts in spiritual lineages of other traditions who also crossed that machsom. To name but a few (and this is just the tip of the iceberg, as it were):

          1. The lineage of (Hindu) rishis who gave us the Upanishads back in the 3rd millenium BCE, and who have been in direct contact with all levels of the spiritual worlds up until this day through school like Advaita Vedanta and Raja Yoga.

          2. The lineage of Christian mystics and gnostics who have been ascending to the highest levels of the Upper World, as proven by texts like the Nag Hammadi corpus, the Philokalia, and other works, and who have continued a living lineage of spiritual mastery and enlightenment in places like Mount Athos for centuries.

          3. The living and extant lineage of Tibetan lamas and other Buddhist “Kabbalists” whose spiritual attainment was so high that they were even able to document what happens after death in the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

          4. The multitudinous Islamic wisdom masters in various Sufi orders around the world whose descriptions of the spiritual world (above the machsom) could fill whole libraries, and who continue to teach and convey their wisdom in many countries throughout the world.

          Like I said, this is just a tiny sampling the many, many living masters and contemporary non-Jewish kabbalists who have attained the highest strata of the spiritual world. I believe with all my heart that we should reach out to these schools as fellow lovers of truth. Why enclose ourselves in a little cultish bubble of our own, when we could bring our own unique instrument to the great orchestra of wisdom already thriving in the world? We talk a lot about connection among ourselves, like some kind of “chosen people” (which is a little snobbish, if you ask me). Why not connect with those who perhaps know just as much – if not more – than Rav Laitman about spiritual worlds? What are we afraid of?

          If, as Julian said, “the only people who are able to understand and implement” the wisdom of Kabbalah (which is nothing less than the exclusive truth about the way things are) are Kabbalists, and the only authentic school of Kabbalah in the world today is Bnei Baruch, and the only living master and link to “last authentic Kabbalist (Baal HaSulam” is Rav Laitman, that means that Rav Laitman is the only person in the world who truly understands and can implement the Laws of Nature and the Truth about Reality??? Not only is this utterly mind-blowing, but it’s not a little hard to swallow, wouldn’t you agree?

          Don’t get me wrong, I love Rav Laitman, but unless you can name other Kabbalists – perhaps from other wisdom traditions? – who also have direct access to the Upper Force and Reality, basically what you’re doing is making out Rav Laitman to be little less than Moshiach.

        • #287567

          Ah, yes. So this is his question. I don’t answer such questions, but since it’s not from you, I’ll answer. The whole approach is incorrect. Can a person learn with such an attitude, that you’re coming to tell the teacher what’s what? Where is such an approach accepted? If I go to study physics from a great doctor of physics, will he entertain such an approach? Or, I go to study acting from some great acting teacher, or music teacher. That’s not how you learn. And Kabbalists’ attitude towards such people is very simple: go and see what’s out there, perhaps there’s another place for you. That has been Kabbalists approach not just in our times, but throughout history. Because already the fact that one has such an approach indicates that he lacks even the foundation to begin learning, and there’s no hope for him to advance. He’s already filled up with his own attitude so there’s no room for something else. So, there’s nothing to do with the person except show him the door out. This attitude will change, but not because he will get an answer from me and the answer will be what he wants. Rather, the Upper Force will work on a us, show us that we get nowhere with our egoistic opinions, and when we get humbled by many life blows, we’ll come on our knees and accept a method as-is. That’s the precondition – that you’re willing to accept a method as-is. It could be a different method from some other teacher. But you must go to that teacher and accept his method as-is. Because who are you that you know what the method should be? It’s like little kids telling mommy and daddy how to parent. If I don’t already have attainment of the Upper Worlds, then I have nothing to say about how to get there and how the teacher is teaching.

          I never answer a question that is not really a question but an accusation, because even if I have what to respond with, the lesson of learning how to approach a study is much more important. That approach is an uneducated one, that of someone who never learned how to study.

          Of course there were many Kabbalists we don’t know about. Of course one who is not a Kabbalists himself has no way of knowing who – and it also doesn’t matter who. One doesn’t know what crossing the Machsom is, what spirituality is, nor what a Kabbalist is. The only question is are you ready to become a Kabbalist, embrace a method of becoming one, and follow the advice of a teacher exactly. That’s one’s only hope of attaining spirituality.

        • #287578

          Thanks for answering. I felt some skepticism in replies from others because such questions were left open, so I think this will definitely help.

          I feel 100% committed to become a Kabbalist. The fact that the kabbalistic texts, the songs of friends, the lessons from the Rav,… all soften my heart and strengthen my desire to unite, gives me confidence that this is the path I have to follow.


    • #284795

      Hola Gianni

      Se puede afirmar que Nimrod no como personaje historico (ramas) , sino como cualidad espiritual (raíces) representa la capacidad de separación, confusion e individualidad del ego  en Maljut. Que cualidades especiales representa Abraham, ya que es claro que antes y después de su descubrimiento del conocimiento de la kabala y del método kabalistico aplicado  para el desarrollo espiritual, el era ya un individuo excepcional.


      • #284815


        Hello Gianni

        It can be affirmed that Nimrod not as a historical character (branches), but as a spiritual quality (roots) represents the capacity of separation, confusion and individuality of the ego in Malchut. What special qualities Abraham represents, since it is clear that before and after his discovery of the knowledge of the kabbalah and the kabbalistic method applied to spiritual development, he was already an exceptional individual.

        Hi Henry,

        Even if there were such people, because if there is a spiritual root it will touch the branch too somehow. How – it’s not worthwhile to speculate because who knows if it’s how our minds imagine. So, Kabbalists never write about history in our world. Abraham represents the quality of Hafetz Hesed (delighted in Mercy). It’s one who wants mercy from the Will To Receive dominating him. And if we want to talk about Abraham the Kabbalist, then like all Kabbalists he was a regular person of some kind before feeling the Point in the Heart that pulled him to the direct path to the Creator.

    • #284470
      T C

      Thanks…I just have one question, really, which is a clarification of the reading materials. In the readings it talks about the need for the upper light to be disconnected from the Creator by the time it reaches our lower worlds in order for the creature to eventually develop the desire to be like the creator. Is this to say that all our “earthly desires” are simply ways for us to develop a singular desire (viz. to be like the Creator)? Once this singular desire is then developed, is this to say that the real “work” of kabbalah is done? Thanks!…Thomas

      • #284471

        Yes. And that’s why in Kabbalah there is the matter of unity in a group. Those “people” are desires, a shattering of the singular desire, the only Creation. After I unite with them in the correct way begins the work towards the Upper Light.

    • #281917

      Hi Gianni!

      I have a few somewhat unrelated questions but all related to this week’s videos.

      1 – As someone born a couple of years before 1995, I believe I am uncapable of feeling anything different about that year, being a child at that time. Did you or any Kabbalist detect any specific difference to this year in relation to the previous ones?

      2 – Considering what happened in Babylon in 1800 BC that caused a major societal upheaval – is it possible that nowadays we are approaching a similar phenomenon? In the context of what we see and hear of entities such as the WEF, it feels as if the future is a horrible nightmare. Regardless of this presumption being right or wrong, is this perception a trigger to achieve a similar reaction to what occurred with Abraham? Could the WEF future be an equivalent to the Nimrod part of the Babylonian tale?

      3 – Lastly, I have heard before in KabU’s videos talking about Kabbalistic attainment in the third person, sort of as if the speaker has not yet attained that stage. Julian in one of his videos uses this third person as well. Which leads me to (humbly) ask. Is attainment really possible for all of us? Or does this third person reveal that it is an attribute of The (with capital T) Kabbalists? I ask this question in the context of me feeling so far from what is described! I cannot even conceive how to act in pure bestowal.

      PS: Your answer #58180 describes unbelievably spot-on how my ‘I’ feels socially (and now more than ever). I always felt too antisocial and disconnected, and it got worse after entering the Kabbalistic studies. This answer helped me see better. Thank you for it!

      • #282460

        (1) 1995 – I have to say, first, that for a Kabbalist there is a significance to a certain date that may not be readily discernable to us. If we are to progress by way of “the path of suffering” – meaning without hastening the states so that we move quickly and pleasantly through them – then everything is set in stone. On such and such date it is written that there will be a third, nuclear world war. After that will be a fourth world war. We do see too that in 1995 our organization formed – meaning that is when students started coming to my teacher. Also, you can research what breakthroughs happened then with the internet. It was actually a breakthrough time, and it is because of this that you can study the authentic wisdom of Kabbalah, which before you could only do if you happened to be in a town where there was a Kabbalist and he was willing to accept you as a student. You can’t learn this from books. You need a teacher and a group to correctly tune to what is written, even if you have the correct books.

        (2) Abraham – We are so much in that same state that you would be more correct to think that it never happened in the past and that it is talking about us. We are the Babylonians. Nothing has changed. We simply spread around the world to get away from each other. And now the world is like one tiny village, where all are interdependent – but don’t want to be! Now we have to correct the egos that would not let us connect those thousands of years ago. There’s nowhere to run this time. Either we connect, or we’ll nuke each other, only a handful of people will survive, and they will include in themselves all the desire and suffering of all of humanity and have to do the same correction through connecting together that we could do now in a much easier way.

        (3) Personal attainment – Kabbalists don’t like to talk about themselves. They don’t speak from the point of personal attainment unless it’s necessary. And here, we have the writings of Baal HaSulam and Rabash, who attained what they write about, and they say that “anyone can be as Moses”. So – even “as Moses”! Therefore, that is sufficient, and we don’t need any additional “proof”. Because it would not be proof anyway. If you think about it for a while you will know what I mean. Also, we have a very useful rule that no one speaks of their attainments, if they do have them. This is critically important both for the person and for people around him.

        (4) Getting worse after Kabbalistic studies – Yes, but later you will see that this is just a phase and that you will get better. Everything will take on the right balance and you’ll be at peace with the whole world.


    • #281668

      Hi Gianni (or Julian),

      I have not finished Kabbalah Revealed Part 2 yet, but this course was available, so I enrolled.

      Is it OK to do the two courses parallel or should I wait until I am done with Kabbalah Revealed?

      I don’t work right now and have both time and desire to learn. In some months I will start working again, so I want to make the best of the situation.

      Thank you!


      • #282517

        Hi Gianni,

        Thank you very much for your detailed and insightful words. It is much appreciated.

        All the best!

      • #281716

        You can do both.

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