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    • #307510

      Hello Gianni.

      It is partzuf a process? Like when a cup is full it flows into the one under it.

      • #307548

        Not exactly. It’s not that one is simply full and thus bestows to others that which he has no more room for. Actually, that’s the way it is in our world, that I can’t receive more for myself, so I give to others and instead of filling one vessel, I fill the vessel of my honor that I receive in compensation for my bestowal – in short, double reception, disguised as bestowal. Here, there are other calculations in play.

    • #307161


      I just wanted to make sure I have the correct reading assignment in The Kabbalah Experience. The recommended reading is, The Study of Kabbalah – Introduction pp 77-80. However, those pages are actually in, The Wisdom of Kabbalah. Your clarifications is greatly appreciated.

      Miryam Buttercup

      • #307555

        Hi Miryam,

        Sorry I missed this. It’s the right link. It’s a chapter in the recommended book.

        • #307557

          Thank you, Gianni. And thank you, as well, for the sessions on Sunday. They were awesome.

    • #304899

      I thoroughly enjoyed Lesson 1 and have a better understanding about the Structure of Creation, with the exception of one question.  It was stated that, ‘the Partzuf is built through the 4 phases of direct Light. ‘ Were the 4 phases created first and through that process became Partzuf? Is it one in the same? If not, in which phase did the Partzuf appear?

      Thank you.

      • #304967

        Hi Matanah,

        The 4 phases are the phases that the desire goes through as-is. The Partzuf is when the desire Restricts itself and divides itself into 3: a part it can receive in, in order to bestow, a part it can’t receive in, because in that part it cannot receive to bestow, and a part that is just used to decide if the rest of the desire can or cannot receive in order to bestow.

        • #304994

          Thank you, Gianni.

    • #298040

      Hiya, I’m having trouble understanding how I can practically work with an intention for something that I can’t see or feel. I have knowledge about the qualities of the creator but it just seems odd to me that in practice I should not care primarily for fellow man but aim my goals toward the creator first… somehow this seems selfish, like the desire for knowing the creator is for my own gain? I’m quite confused…. I’ve just watched Julian’s lesson video 1.3

      Maybe I’m asking too soon and my confusion will be resolved in the following videos but anyway some feedback would be appreciated, thank you

      • #298049

        There’s something to what you’re saying and you’re right, it will be resolved. But not in a few simple words can it be explained how right you are, that you only reach the Creator through the prism of our reality, and it is not that one can aim directly at the Creator. Because aiming at Him means aiming at equivalence with His attributes. And His main attribute is that He loves His Creation and wants to bring all its parts to the greatest good, which for now is something we can’t even imagine. So the wisdom of Kabbalah is the method of tying all the reality to one source and responding back, through that same reality, to the source of it all, the Creator.

    • #293605
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Het lijkt erop dat de groep waarin je bent, als kabbalist, een soort coachende taak heeft. Welke goede intentie naar de creator ik moge hebben, hoe blijf je als groep in balans?

      • #294346

        Translation: It seems that the group you are in, as a kabbalist, has some kind of coaching task. What good intentions towards the creator may I have, how do you stay in balance as a group?

        You’ll have to see when you get into more contact with the group. There are a few parameters that a person must always check. Like gauges on a plane or some other important machinery. These parameters are always within your attitude towards the friends in the group. The Creator always pushes them out of calibration, and we have to bring them back to correct calibration. 

    • #292429
      Jonathan Hague

      In the four stages of light and partzufim there is bestowal at the top (Galgalta – Eynaim) and reception at the bottom (AHP). Please could you kindly elaborate on the meaning of “AHP” – I seem to have missed this! Thanks

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