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  • #37703

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 128 total)
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    • #334064

      Thank you for the teachings!

      • #334608
        Steve Miley

        I completely understand what you’re saying about working with other points in the heart and I am looking forward to working with in a Kabalistic  group. However, could it be possible that through music and dancing that could have the ability to wake up points in the heart that otherwise may always lay dormant. That it could be the inspiration that ones need to bring about an epiphany that gives them a feeling of spirit, and of something that is greater than themselves, which might in the future take them down the path to further exploring the point in the heart that may lead to spiritual awakenings and attainments. Personally, I came to find nature and the creative force, my first glimpses and the awakening of the point in the heart with 30,000 other people had a Grateful Dead concert where the music played the band we were all there together as one large undulating force of humanity, and we were high quite a few on drugs, but not all we were just all there in the moment together and it was our collective that brought about the entire experience. Thank you so much for your answers and thank you so much for the work you do.

        • #334676

          Hey Steve,

          Each one of us has a unique path. For some, like you described, this may be what brings them to the path–and for others it may be different. We can’t know what will awaken points in the heart and that’s also not our job. Our job is to provide the opportunity and ability to reach the wisdom of Kabbalah wherever you are. When a person is ready (but remember the world isn’t obligated to study the wisdom, this is really only the role of a few) they need to be able to find what they’re looking for.

          The world just needs to know and trust the method of correction that we can provide for them. Just like in our world, we are not all experts on the microwave, yet, we all use one. We don’t need to know how it works in order to use it. This is similar to the method those who are drawn to Kabbalah receive it and adapt it for the general public.

          Those experiences like you described are the accumulation of many impressions finally leading us to feel that there is something else more important worth chasing. That’s when they should find the wisdom of Kabbalah. They should be able to find what they’re looking for and that’s why we should call out to all–but awakening points in the heart–this is what the Creator does for us.


    • #334009
      Esther Benzaquen

      Some actions of certain people do not seem to correspond to the desire to receive, exactly. It looks like they are due to the desire to destroy, rather. Is this desire to destroy a distortion of the desire to receive?

      • #334011

        Hi Esther,

        Even underneath the desire to destroy is a desire to receive, to enjoy destruction.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #333690

      So if I don’t like another person, find this person hateful and observe their bad qualities (egoism, lack of empathy, narcissism, etc), does that mean that these are all my qualities that I am actually observing?

      • #333692

        Hi Lana,

        Essentially, any lack of correction we see on the outside, is a reflection of our own lack of correction. It’s like seeing the world dirty because I’m looking at it through dirty glasses. And when I clean my own glasses, I’ll look at the same world, but now it’s clean and perfect.

        We’ll learn how to work with these things practically in the more advanced semesters. In the meantime, check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #331289

      Hi, I was thinking on the love your neighbour or friend as yourself goal mentioned in quite a few religious texts it seems. I assume this entails a certain closeness in thoughts and lifestyle with the neighbour or friend. So here is a practical problem I have come up against. A work colleague has an interest in football say and so do I so there is a closeness between us due to similarity of desires. However he loves shooting animals, birds and most things that move. Not for food at all, just the pleasure of killing. I am an animal lover so immediately there is a distance between us, preventing true friendship. Is there a way past this barrier between us without either having to compromise our beliefs?

      • #331301

        Hi Martin,

        First we need to clarify this statement. When Kabbalists tell us that we need to “Love your friend as yourself”, they are not talking about our neighbors, our colleagues, or our corporeal acquaintances. Rather, a friend, in Kabbalah is someone close to me spiritually, someone that shares the same spiritual goal as me. In other words, a friend is someone with an active point in the heart that is together with me on the spiritual path. This is why the spiritual work of “love your friend as yourself” is primarily carried out in a Kabbalistic group.

        What about our work towards the rest of the world? There we need to remember the rule that “there is no coercion in spirituality” and not try to force anyone to do spiritual work with us. Rather, there we need to act normal, just like everyone else.

        We’ll learn about these things in greater detail in the more advanced semesters, especially after each one will receive their own Kabbalah group with whom they can put these things into practice.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #331306

          Thanks Albert, as usual that makes a whole lot of sense.

    • #331279

      Dear instructor,

      I have a question that I found reading the related materials, if I may ask.

      What is the Poem of Unification and where can I find it?

      I only found 2 quotes of this poem, but I couldn’t find the poem itself:

      “By Your actions, we know You”

      and ““Of all Your work, not a thing You have forgotten; You did not add, and You did not subtract.”

      Thanks in advance

      • #331303

        Hi Marta,

        There is no official English version of this poem. You can check out this Google translated version to get a taste of it.

        But in general, keep in mind that we usually don’t study such things directly, but only when Baal HaSulam or Rabash quote a line or two from there in order to explain to us what it means.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #331061
      zoran malinov

      What does it mean to resist the Landlord(will to receive)?

      • #331079

        Hi Zoran,

        The Creator created us with the nature of reception. Resisting the landlord means that we can rise above this nature and operate according to a different nature, that of bestowal. Keep in mind that we cannot rise above our nature with our own strength, but only through the strength of the light.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

        • #331230
          zoran malinov

          Does this have something to do with screen(Masah),are we raising the web above reason with the help of this tool?

        • #331253

          Hi Zoran,

          The screen is our intention to bestow. We acquire the screen as well thanks to the light. We can say that everything we achieve in spirituality is thanks to the light. Why is that so? Because attaining spirituality or rising above reason means that we rise above our egoistic nature. But just like a PC cannot just change itself to run as a Mac, we too cannot just do anything against our own nature with our own strength, it’s impossible. We need outside help to make this change. So ultimately all of our spiritual work boils down to extracting more and more light, especially through the Kabbalistic studies, and it does all the rest.

          Albert @ KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 128 total)
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