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  • #37703

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #378402

      What are the Hebrew root words ofcontentment, receive, and to bestow. I seem to know what to receive means but is there more to these words used in kabbalah and do they translate to english directly?


      • #378595

        Hi Robert,

        Here are the words in Hebrew, the transliteration, the main translation of the word and some alternatives:

        Reception / acceptance = kabbalah = קבלה

        Bestowal / influence = hashpa-a = השפעה

        Contentment / pleasure = nakhat ruakh = נחת רוח

        If there are any important Hebrew words you should know, we’ll learn them together throughout the courses.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #378401

      On the human level before the speaking level, the humans are dependent on each other for their life. Even though the can move freely and can mate anytime etc they are controlled by the money they get or have to work for money that society created and other people make war and destroy  life or give a child to make a life etc but they still depend on each other on the existence of their life?

      • #378594

        Hi Robert,

        Yes, you can say that.

        We’re all part of a single system, like cells within a single body. So of course we’re dependent on each other. The only difference between us and the other levels of nature is that the other levels naturally feel this connection, whereas for us, our ego hides this connection. As a result, we don’t take that connection into account, and each one becomes like a cancerous cell in our common body.

        By studying Kabbalah, we can correct the ego and properly integrate into that body, until we come to feel spiritual life between us.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #373239

      I am having a hard time understanding that all I see is in me. It seems like if I don’t see a person or my house it’s not there could you explain this more? Thank you,

      • #373339

        Hi Joe,

        The main takeaway is that the external world is a reflection of my own internal state. So if I see something bad in the world, it means I still have not finished correcting my own ego. It’s like I have these dirty glasses through which I see the whole world as dirty. The moment I clean my own glasses, I’ll look at the same world, but now it’s clean and perfect.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #369879

      why does the Creator love a person so much

      • #369919

        Hi Milos,

        All the bad things we see in the world stem from our egoistic nature. The Creator on the other hand is devoid of any egoism, so only goodness can come from Him.

        As for the Creator loving a person so much, is it really so? After all, the Kabbalists tell us “the Creator hates the bodies”. So what is love? Does the Creator love us? Why then do we see so much suffering in our lives?

        All of these things need to be clarified in order to really answer that question.

        Check out these blog posts from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #369877

      does the person return to previous states that have passed, or is he constantly moving forward

      • #369915

        Hi Milos,

        The rule that “one is raised in holiness and never lowered.” So we never go backwards. It’s possible that we receive an additional challenge that belongs to a higher degree and that challenge can feel like we’re going backwards, but it’s still a step forward.

        This is similar to how a bodybuilder that masters a five pound weight moves on to ten pounds. That ten pounds is much more challenging and he cannot do as many reps as before, but this is nonetheless considered progress and advancement.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #369060

      In this week material my strong desire to start working in group prevails over other questions to be asked. I feel that everything will be clearer in that time.

      I still have a question : when we attain the second revelation and the equivalence of form with the creator do we experience eternal life and no further incarnation? Did Baal Hasulam attained this step?


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