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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #386315
      Dan Benedikt

      Sorry, but I think one thing is not clear for me yet… Are we and our material world in Malchut? Or are most of us still struggling to achieve a real sensation of spirituality?
      Is Malchut purily spiritual?

      • #386341

        Great question.
        The nature of our reality is not very clear to us.
        To us it seems 100% real.
        Maybe it’s like a child who goes on an airplane to go on vacation with his family.
        He gets packed, he goes on the plane, puts on his seatbelt, lands in a warm place, enjoys the beach and the pool.
        But what does he know about how the airplane was made, and who went to work to purchase the tickets for the flight.
        The child is at the tail end of everything and his life feels real, but everything has been set before him with no free choice or participation at all in the world he lives, only to go along with what is.  Nevertheless, he feels this is his life and he doesn’t know there is something else.
        The kabbalists tell us that we are at the very bottom of the world of Assiyah.
        Anyway, we perceive our world according to our senses.  Our senses are all aimed at ourself and we therefore depict a world in our mind that I end where my skin ends, past my skin there is the outside world.
        This is called corporeal perception.

    • #386222

      Is it necessary to go through each phase or can one be skipped over? And if one cannot be skipped and a person seems to have skipped a phase will they need to go back and begin again?

      Also, is this always a conscious process or can it be going on without a person even realizing it?

      • #386282

        Don’t worry, we are all incorporated with each other and others are making corrections for you and you corrections for them, since as we will reveal that we are all organs of the same body.
        We are consciously making a lot of efforts, however since what we are aiming for us is above us and we don’t yet know what that is, in that sense we are born into spirituality unconscious, like a baby born into our world.

    • #386211

      Hi, I think this has been answered, but just making sure I got it right: I understand that the 4 phases of light (0-4)  in evolutionary terms cover the time from BIG BANG to human. And I understand, that these phases still also can be reflected in all other parts of creation… (and thatś exactly my question, because for me it feels to be like it),.. Would that mean that for example in embryology, growing and maturing of a a child, as well as emotional development in the single human being these phases can be reflected? OR is it different for human beings, so that they would always be at the beginning of stage 4. I am just wondering, because from mere comparison with life, I would say that phases 0-4 in terms of physical andemotional (not spiritual) growth are a common phenomenon and challenges to human development, especially in terms of psychological development.

      • #386280

        The 4 phases of direct light are before the big bang, before time and space.
        These phases are what emanate and are created out of the world of Ein Sof, where the Upper Light filled all of reality, simply, boundlessly.
        Everything in reality is built of this structure.

    • #385839

      What was the purpose of man’s flesh being created?

      • #385906

        Everything in this world is built from the upper structure.
        Here is an excerpt from one of Baal HaSulam’s introductions that we will study later on together,
        “Yet, this extension from Ein Sof in Partzuf AK does not fill the whole of reality as prior to the restriction. Rather, it is discerned with a Rosh and a Sof [end]: From above downward, its light stops at the point of this world, which is the concluding Malchut, as in the verse, “His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives.” And also from within outward, since as there are ten Sefirot KHB TM from above downward, and Malchut concludes the AK from below, so there are ten Sefirot KHB TM from within outward, called marrow, bones, tendons, flesh, and skin [Mocha, Atzamot, Gidin, Bassar, and Or]. The skin is Malchut, which ends the Partzuf from the outside. In that respect, Partzuf AK is considered a mere thin line compared to Ein Sof, which fills the whole of reality. This is so because the Partzuf of skin ends it and limits it from all sides, from the outside, and it cannot expand and fill the entire restricted space. Thus, only a thin line remains standing in the middle of the space.”


    • #384518

      does the beings willingness to receive all the light include any experience available in the material? or does the being restrict the type of experience  in order to receive more light?

      • #384831

        The belly is only so big, the hands can only hold so much.  To receive something eternal we need an eternal vessel, not a material vessel.

    • #384517

      are any of these phases existent in the material? or are these spiritual states that occurred prior to the shattering?

      • #384830

        We are learning about the structure of reality, the primordial blueprint of all of creation.
        These same phases are found in the development of everything including our thoughts and actions.

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 261 total)
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