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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 121 through 126 (of 223 total)
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    • #302844
      Will Orellana


      I guess I have a general question. Something was reiterated in this week’s lesson in one of the videos with Gil Shir: the fact that the stories in the bible are symbolic, or something like that? For example, the story of the garden of Eden is “something that happens inside of you.” But in the lessons, there are instances where there is mention of Adam or Abraham or Noah. So these people actually existed? Adam was a real person, but the story of the garden of Eden is symbolic? Same for Abraham; he was a real person, but the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is symbolic? What about the story of the great flood?

    • #301513

      Hello & thank you for your feedback,

      At the risk of over simplifying the ‘screen’,  could I be using/practicing the screen when I focus on the giver of the pleasure along with receiving the pleasure?

      • #301575


        “As if”. You can practice open heart surgery a lot by reading and doing simulations. When the chest is open and the beating heart is in your hand, you know that is different.

        So for now, it is “as if”.


    • #301504
      James Reiter

      Tony speaks about the screen, and its importance. This story, allegory he presented about the two friends, and the meal the one friend was preparing. I get the basic concept, but am still not clear on how to embrace, and use the screen on a daily basis. Can you further elaborate on how to use the use on a daily basis or direct me to where I can further learn about the screen.

      Thank you,

      • #301505


        The masach, the screen that you are referring to is a spiritual organ. You have an eardrum and waves strike your eardrum and that is how you perceive sound.  Sound does not travel into an empty hole on our head, the sound waves strike the eardrum.

        Similarly the world is full of Light but we don’t have a screen (“eardrum”) for the spiritual light to strike so that we can perceive it.
        Another example is sunlight, it travels millions of miles through space…so why is space dark between earth and the sun?  Because we don’t see the light until it hits a screen, then we can perceive the light, before that, it is there for all of those millions of miles but we can’t see it.

        So we don’t have a button to push or a mantra to say to make the screen turn on. It is built over through our efforts in the study and in the Kabbalistic group to draw upon us the influence of the upper light which changes our nature slowly slowly from egoistic intentions to altruistic intentions.  When our intention changes to be altruistic then we have a screen that is letting us feel the spiritual qualities.

        • #301523
          James Reiter


          To further discuss, and explore the masach, the screen in this process, we the creature seek to become like the creator. Is it not somewhere in the Bible like Genesis 1:27 wherein “God created man in his own image. . .”

          Okay so the creator creates his creature in his own image that is us, and everything else.                     We at some point figure out that bestowal is somehow superior to receiving. Are we not both the creator, and creature everyday all the time already?

          Ten years ago, I became a father to a beautiful boy. I was present for the entire process. There was a point right after our son’s birth that I was filled beyond description with this tangible feeling. Learning this today, and reflecting on our son’s birth that feeling was simultaneously a feeling of EVERYTHING. The act of bestowal, and the act of unbounded joy.

          That being said there is nothing broken, nothing to be fixed, we are perfect for we have become both the creator, and the creature. So what is the point of studying Kabbalah, The Zohar, etc.?

          Thank you,


        • #301525

          Why are you here?
          All of reality is filled with the light of the Creator all the time.
          Spirituality is perception of wholeness above time and space.
          What do you want that you don’t have?

        • #301528
          James Reiter


          So why am I here you ask. Tony has spoken about the various stages one goes through in ones life. Well reflecting on my life I feel, and sense that the point in my heart has been active for quite a number of years. I trust, and follow where it leads me to. So I am here because the point in my heart has brought me here.

          What do I want that I do not have, you ask. Simply put________________________.


          Let us see why the point in my heart has brought me here.

          Thank you Seth,


    • #301367

      the key is not to feel lack of love, if I’m giving all my love I can not feel lack or empty of love? Is this right sentiment to be the giver, I will receive the fulfillment by giving all my love.

      • #301479

        You are approaching the answer with your present mind.
        You will not feel spirituality with you mind of today.
        It is like a child understanding the emotions of the parents.
        But in general, through the process of studying and working in the group of kabbalists, we grow our desire for the Light until we have a true desire for the light.
        We are today in a field of endless light, but like a child sitting next to the parents, the little one does not have the vessels to feel all of the other things that are happening.
        By making our desire more loving, we become like the Creator, when we become like Him in our intention, His light shines in our vessel and we feel spirituality fulfillment.

    • #301343
      Prescilia Javnyuy


      Is it true that one can not change his desire? Since you only work according to the plan that the creator has traced for you? In that case how dose the correction then happen?

      • #301478

        The desire comes from the Creator and it develops towards a spiritual birth.
        In the same way that a mango seed will not become an apple.
        A point in the heart will become a spiritual person.
        What is in our hands is to plant ourselves in an environment where that seed can be nourished and grow in a healthy way, or if we will advance over a long period of time of making many mistakes finding our way.

    • #301261

      It is very interesting it has helped me a lot to understand what I really want to connect with the creator to understand trying to be one with him but this lesson has helped me a lot to understand what a process is

Viewing 6 posts - 121 through 126 (of 223 total)
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