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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #283339

      I am experiencing sensations I cannot define, but I feel as if I’m just thinking them and this incredible awareness is an illusion. I am asking myself what is my intention regarding choices of decision.
      The video Tony did on reality was incredibly helpful. 🌞

    • #280527
      Richard Lively

      So is it that simple?  Just accept that when I receive pleasure from something I understand its ok to take on the creators behalf and because of this I become more like the creator?   If so then some of us already have a screen or are developing one as we speak.  My intention for life is always the will of creator before me, its what I live by.  So is it possible my screen has already started developing or are we missing how this development of the screen starts?

      • #280782

        OK, so to win the olympics, all I need to do is run fast.  Got it! 🙂
        But to do it…how many days to I need to train, how many hours, how much training and recovery and rest and nutrition and study.
        But at the end when the gold medal is around my neck, you can say, all I did was run fast.
        We learn that there is no Creator in the wisdom of kabbalah.  It means that .. of course there is.. but in our perception the Creator is called “come and see”.  We have to build him.
        Each person has their own God according to his perception.
        And we also can see on youtube what is a feral child, a child that is left to grow with the animals, they behave like an animal.  So we come to the books of kabbalah, to the kabbalist and we study from them to depict the Creator that they are depicting to us and then we discover our true nature and where we are and where He is…how?
        According to the vessel that we build.
        You see Richard, the Creator fills all of reality, endlessly.  So everything depends on our building the vessel to perceive Him.
        In the meantime, it is better to not be confused that you have a screen or you would be in communication with the kabbalists already in the same way that you are drinking a coffee, it would be you actual sense perception.
        We will go together and we will succeed, step by step.

    • #280451

      Thank u friends for ur questions  And thank u teacher for ur answers

    • #280398

      What is the relationship between Olam Ain soph and Olam Assiah? Why did the creature finally submits to the will of the Creator after going through these stages of restraint?

      • #280781

        Let’s say for the purpose of our explanation here that Olam Ein Sof is at the top of the ladder.  This is the endless light that emenates from the Creator.  The world of Assiah comes after the cascading of the light through many partzufim and many operations.  Our material world is at the bottom of the world of Assiah.
        We did not learn about any creature yet.  We are talking only about the blueprint that we will later encounter everywhere else that we go in the wisdom of kabbalah.

    • #280312


      Before I knew anything about Kabbalah, I would sometimes feel a kind of pleasure. Mostly after seeing a child achieve some goal with my support ( I am a kindergarten teacher, so those moments are not so rare).

      This pleasure is very big, so I cannot contain it within myself. It is almost painful to feel it. So I would always wish to be able to feel more of it because then I could support “my” children even more.

      Is this somehow related to the process, which Tony describes in the video “The Screen” and how we can learn to gradually accept higher percentage of the Light into our vessel?

      I know Kabbalah does not speak about things in this world, but I am trying to grasp the concepts somehow.



      • #280780

        All of these emotions are natural and they all extend from upper roots.
        Later we will study one of Baal HaSulam’s introductions where he describes the blueprint of all of these emotions in the spiritual worlds.
        In the meantime all that we are experiencing here are on the animate degree, but they were given to us so that we can begin to feel in our minds and hearts what are the operations taking place on the spiritual degrees which are exponentially higher.

        • #280834

          Thank you, Seth!

          Have a nice day!

    • #280209

      Thank you for these explanations Seth, but when can we feel that we are really working from the Malchut to Bina?  When we decide to stop receiving and start giving ? ( to the Society, to the Ten?)

      Another question:  I love to study kabbalah and listen to the videos; but my corporeal life does not have time to do so!  I start feeling guilty when I am not as advanced in knowledge and on the Kaballistic terms !  It is a feeling that I dont like because it builds my anxiety!  And the question of “Free Will” and that there is no Coercion in Spirituality, is all this part of the Creator?  part of his plan to build my desire?

      • #280470

        We can already do these actions, but we are doing them like a baby playing with a doll, it is not a real baby.
        First, we never stop receiving.  We are a desire to receive, that is the creation that the Creator created.  While we do behave more loving towards others, the spiritual action happens in our intentions and we don’t have control over that, it is a result of many preparation actions and efforts that we make and the by that we attract the reforming light which develops us, so that we prefer a real baby over the doll.

        In regard to your second question, the pressure that you feel is a gift, without it you would not have importance for the study.  Determine how much time you have for study.  Maybe it is 5 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening.  And do it consistently.  What is important is that you add and not subtract.  So better to start small and build.  You can do more if you have free time, but you keep your framework.

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