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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 187 through 192 (of 261 total)
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    • #294697

      Hello. I enjoy reading the questions and responds.

      Thank you.

    • #293846
      Adelina Santos

      What is the purpose that ZA has 6 sefirot?

      Thank you.


    • #293845
      Adelina Santos

      Hi. In the ascent of the souls back to the Creator, what is the process that the creature has to go through according to the four phases of direct light?

      Thank you


      • #294318

        The four phases of direct light are the template that all of reality is built from.  After these four phases there are many more processes and operations that we will learn about, the building of the partzufim, the worlds and then the souls.
        At the end of all of that cascading from above to below begins the procession from below to above, starting with the formation of matter (everything until now happened in the spiritual worlds until matter was formed at the end of the cascading).  Then matter develops according to what we can already measure in normal science from the inanimate degree which took billions of years to the vegetative degree, to the animate degree and finally to the speaking/human degree.  And then from within the speaking degree, within the “humans” there is the development of our inanimate desires, our vegetative desires, our animate desires and finally our spiritual desires.  When that initial point of the spiritual desire awakens enough, we find the wisdom of kabbalah.
        From there, after a preparation period owe ascend up the spiritual degrees according to the very same steps that the light took on its descent.

        • #294828
          Adelina Santos

          So, after the preparation period we ascend first with phase 1,2,3,4 of direct light, the first restriction and so on?





    • #293258
      Aaron Lessin

      Is the phase of Zeir Anpin related to Da’at (i.e., integrative knowledge)?

    • #293069
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      The world of Ein Sof is described using only four letters Yod (י), Hey (ה), Vav (ו), Hey (ה). These letters are the four Behinot (phases): Aleph, Bet, Gimel, Dalet. Over the course of their descent to our world, they unite and form the letters, the words and their combinations, until they become an entire language in our world.

      Question. what is an entire language in the world ?

      • #293839

        We discover these vessels that the Creator is revealed in, called letters.
        The letters form words and the worlds form sentences which form stories which for what is called the book of heaven.

    • #292337
      Kenneth Alexander

      If I have attained my Masach, it just means that I can receive the light of the creator correct? Not that I always will? I guess what I’m trying to ask, is that even if I attain my Masach, it doesn’t mean I will constantly be filled with pleasure like I was when I was going through the initial phases of Direct Light correct? I find it a lot harder by a few levels of magnitude to derive the simple pleasures that I once did, and I’m having trouble keeping hope and trust that this is the correct path, but if this emptiness is indeed a part of the process, then that would give me hope. Every video lesson and reading session I have, too many things are lining up for me to deny, even when my logic starts to override my faith, but, I just need reinforcement that this emptiness I feel is indeed a part of the process, that ultimately it will result in the correction and perfect state that I was given a glimpse of when I started down this road.

      • #292503

        Let’s leave the masach on the side for now because there we are already talking about spiritual perception beyond time, space and motion.
        But just like a baby has all of the limbs but doesn’t use them yet, so we do go through all of those spiritual processes, but ‘in potential’ for us now.
        What you are describing is exactly what happens and this is on purpose and you can be happy about it.
        You used to be satisfied with a small toy and then you wanted a girlfriend and then you wanted a car and then you wanted to be wealthy, it is similar in spirituality.  At every new degree the lower part of the upper one descends into the upper part of the lower one.  The lower one feels this as bad, negative, uncomfortable.  Imagine that you take a 5 year old out of the sandbox where he is playing and you put him at a dinner table with a famous, wealthy business mentor.  The child has no vessels for this yet and feels rejected from it.  But if he can equalize with the business mentor, he can acquire his knowledge and habits and become like him.  Of course the child can’t do this and needs to wait another 20 years before he is ready.
        But on our spiritual path, we have the ability to hasten time.  When the next degree appears, it always appears like this and we need to work to equalize with it even though at first we feel rejection.  It is the next level of bestowal which is against our bigger ego so of course the ego feels rejection, but this is all in order to build our equivalence with the Creator’s quality of bestowal.
        Later we will study how this process happened in the spiritual worlds and cascaded to our world.  It is called that the AH”P of the Upper descends to the G”E of the lower, then the G”E of the lower equalizes with the AH”P and the AH”P rises and G”E of the lower rises with it.  Imagine a mom reaching to the floor and picking up the baby and bringing the baby close, and making all sorts of baby noises and the baby reacts with some noises and by this the baby begins to develop.
        Hold on and keep going,

Viewing 6 posts - 187 through 192 (of 261 total)
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