If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 8. The World of Adam Kadmon – Part 2 If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

  • #55413

    If you wanted to show the Upper Force that you truly would like to be in contact with it, how would you do so?

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 140 total)
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    • #301313

      With a desire … with a prayer … by trying to receive for the delight of the creator.

    • #301128

      I imagine it’s like trying to show a friend that I want to get closer to him. I would try to show my friend that I care about the things that are important to him. I would make an effort to see that all of his needs and wishes were fulfilled. And if I was unsure about what he needed or wanted, I would ask him to help me, to tell me what he wanted. I imagine we need to relate to the upper force in a similar way.

    • #300987

      To show the Upper Force that I want to be in contact with it, I think I would have to try to be as much like it as possible. This is hard because it’s so hard to even sense it from where I am.

    • #300087
      Ali Nadalipour

      For me exactly as dr lightman said in the article,i want to feel spiritually and have pleasure now.in future …

    • #298924
      Abbaa Naa’ol


      <p style=”text-align: left;”> the reason that this occurs is because the Upper Force itself wants this to happen; there’s a purpose, it wills it so, because there is no other force that can actually make this occur. And it is deemed a correction, called “the left rejects and the right adducts,” meaning that that which the left rejects is considered correction.</p>

    • #298208
      Marko Podgorsek

      With longing for it.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 140 total)
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