Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #190527

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 122 total)
  • Author
    • #318839

      Aan  instructor Gianni  en al de medestudenten.   Ik ben Christianne  uit  Belgie , en  volg al enkele jaren  de lessen in Kabbalah. Graag  kom ik meer te  weten over de  geheimen van het heelal. Groetjes aan iedereen

    • #318796

      Cody lynn Madison

      0 expectation extreme gratification.

      U manifest your creation !

    • #318351

      I’m Wendi Gardiner, a name I adopted as a trans woman.  Since 1968 I have been learning and working the substance of modern chemistry, and since 1981 as the laboratory manager of our family-owned analytical laboratory in the Atlanta, Georgia, area. The answers provided by the broader scientific community about the substance and workings of reality have proven incomplete and/or inconsistent, as the eminent 20th century mathematician Kurt Godel also proved for number theory. So, how can we even trust the math for all practical purposes? Kabbalah appears to be above our given perception, and to provide fresh, systematic ways of addressing these problems. From Gianni I expect to find a better pathway to participate in a world more consistent with the intention of the Creator. Its/His time has come.

    • #318079

      Hi am Daniel Alaku from Nigeria. I have been asking questions about life and in Kabbalah I fine out all the questions I have been asking the answer is me. So I always want to be a better version of myself

    • #317765

      JC here.  Better understanding of fundamentals.

    • #317343

      Hi, I am Elena Ester Rivka from Italy. Looking forward to starting this new great course 🙂

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 122 total)
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