Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #190527

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 122 total)
  • Author
    • #330924
      Ali Nadalipour

      Am Ali from persia.thanks kabu.

    • #330465
      John Caton

      I am John from Texas. This is my fourth course. I took an extended break after my third course, but continued my study through written material. I hope the break will be beneficial as I continue now, with structured coursework.

    • #330322

      Hi.   My name is Vivian.  I am a KabU student and love the lessons, shorts, articles, music, and all things BB.  I also love science, especially the new emerging discoveries in the sciences, so I couldn’t help myself – I had to drop in.  😉  Thanks so much for providing this fantastic connection between Kabbalah and cutting edge modern explorations.  It makes our “re-introduction” into Nature so much more fulfilling as we discover the many levels of Nature, both physical and spiritual, and our place in it.  Looking forward to the connection it promises.

    • #328696
      Abbaa Naa’ol


      I am Kebede Mamo Dessis , From Ethiopia / Oromiya

    • #327944

      Hi All,
      I am from Australia & like many others here ( point in the heart initiates?) have been searching for the meaning/an understanding of …well pretty much everything, for a very long time.
      The big WHY, followed by the big HOW and of course from the egoistic perspective where do I fit in this schema….maybe I am just a mote in gods eye?
      Science is stuck on this one as well: A theory of Everything. generally I am an evidence based empiricist. However I have had the inexplicable and the synchronous happen many times in my life and feel the forces and outcomes we see and imagine …..are just too brilliant and spectacularly beautiful to be a random chance event.
      So i hope i will find or begin to find some answers here ….
      I am also doing the beginners Kabbalah course ( Pt 2 )
      Onward and upward !!!
      Thank you

    • #327420

      Hello, my friend introduced me to your website. I have a strong Christian background with a decade or more of studying Jewish roosts to Christianity and many years of studying Kabbalah. My friend found you on Facebook. I signed in on your website, and I am having trouble finding what she is studying, “Crack the Hebrew Code” and “Learning to read Hebrew from Scratch.” So, I really don’t know if I am on the right track. If you could be of assistance to help me find those courses, I would appreciate it. Thank you!!

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 122 total)
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