Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #190527

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 111 total)
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    • #327420

      Hello, my friend introduced me to your website. I have a strong Christian background with a decade or more of studying Jewish roosts to Christianity and many years of studying Kabbalah. My friend found you on Facebook. I signed in on your website, and I am having trouble finding what she is studying, “Crack the Hebrew Code” and “Learning to read Hebrew from Scratch.” So, I really don’t know if I am on the right track. If you could be of assistance to help me find those courses, I would appreciate it. Thank you!!

    • #326706

      I am Annmarie and I am interested in learning the Kabbalah’s perspective on the expanse Universe.


    • #326473

      Hi Im Kai. I curious about the reality we live in. In what this I all about

    • #325965


      I’m Eugenia, from Mexico. I believe I was evolved by nature through pain so much that my reward is having found KabU!

      The Universe was the origin of my first existential crisis at 7. After I couldn’t answer (I must have asked my parents too) where the Universe was, I felt as if my heart went void itself… I couldn’t name it, but that was my fist panic attack… then the other existential questions started bombarding me at any time. I know it’s for real that once the point in the heart awakens, nothing from this world is a strong lure. I’ve been a searcher all my life… I really hope I will finally be able to attain the spiritual world now that I found Kabbalah.

      So… I know I will never know where the Universe is in this life, but putting my nose in this course about the Universe maybe is part, aside of Kabbalah per se, of closing my childhood wound.

      Thank you Gianni and KabU for all the wonderful courses you offer us in here! Thank you for helping us try to develop in the Light!


    • #324722

      Hello! I have enjoyed my life of looking for”The Field”, a good friend just suggested your course and I feel lucky to be here! A new gift from the “sham stem”. Elahe’

    • #324148
      Tracey N


      My name is Tracey from Northern Ireland and I hope to learn more about the reality we live in. ❤️

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 111 total)
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