Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 423 total)
  • Author
    • #417429

      I am that Adam. Yes, I like to say strange things that make sense to me because I do not like the mundane.

      I had been raised in an ultra-cconservative religious Midwest town where the abusive treatment, because I was an errant, was so traumatizing as to put locked into hard dungeon programming that I could not break out of until recently.

      I love kabbalah for the knowledge bestowed to all the willing to be wise as serpents so people can stop being played by the old systems.

      I recently went toe-to-toe with a high ranking owl and was not brought into submission because of kabbalah I was able to receive the Wisdom of God in the moment. Something unthinkable in times past.

      I’d love to share more but typing on the phone is just too inconvenient.

    • #415659

      Hello my name is Melanie;  I am completing Kabbalah experience.

    • #414951

      Hello! my name is Sofía and I’m from Chile. A friend of mine from Israel gave me as a gift The Zohar a few years ago and explained me how special this book is. Since it was in Hebrew I never read it, until now that I want to know more and it seems very interesting. I’m looking forward to learn and open my mind.

    • #414902

      Hello I’m Vianney, I’m completing kabbalah experience, I have plenty of time at the moment so I’m also following other lessons when I can in order to dive deeper in kabbalah.

    • #414686
      Silviu Victor

      Hi I’m Silviu and I think it’s the right time for me to begin this journey with you by my side. Thank you!

    • #413377
      Nika Student

      Hi, I am Nika, residing in Canada, near Niagara Falls.   We have good coverage here, all the way to the Yukon Territory:)

      I first encountered online recordings of the lectures about Zohar in Russian (which is my mother tongue) and got totally mesmerized. It was truly an emotional experience – traveling through the reading with a wise teacher and together with other passionate humans. The words, imagery and story  – all together left a strong impression.

      It has been a few years back but appreciation for the content produced by the team here has only grown.  Just for fun, sometimes I think of my own life journey day-to-day through a meme of an inner donkey: it requires nourishment and husbandry. My own inner donkey is destined to arrive to a great destination, and life gets sweeter when it travels in a pack and raises its head to see ahead.

      I expect from the course will help to see and understand more about what’s going on. Why does life present me with these specific events and sensations? And maybe even to understand a bit better what’s ahead.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 423 total)
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