Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 625 through 630 (of 5,322 total)
  • Author
    • #362337
      Michael Dunlap

      Hello, my name is Mike from Wollongong, Australia. I’m here as student of life and this journey, and looking forward to building my knowledge in Kabbalah and my Self.

    • #362317
      todd caldwell

      Todd Caldwell living in Chicago,Illinois.  Just wanting to learn all I can.

    • #362300
      Anthony Nyamiah

      My names are Anthony Kobina Kessey Nyamiah, Anthony Nyamiah for short. I am from Ghana and a Catholic. Got to know about KabU from utube and have been keenly following videos from KabU and see lot of unexplained teachings in christianity clarified from the the videos. I want to follow the teachings here to complete this life mission

    • #362241


      My name is Kevin-Brandon Corbett. I am very curious about the world. I was raised Jewish but lost my faith in Judaism and God. However, I feel like I am going full circle. On my quest to learn more about the world I ended up back here. I can’t wait to learn more about the Kabbalah.


    • #362231

      Mi nombre es Betty, vivo en mexico. mi anhelo es parender, adquirir mas conocimiento para entender que debo desarrlar en mi vida y compartirlo.

    • #362223


      My name is Syl. I’m a homemaker from the Austin, TX area. I am hoping to hear answers about reality that will resonate with me (make sense and seem true) while helping me with this “life journey” that we’re all on together.

Viewing 6 posts - 625 through 630 (of 5,322 total)
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