Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 715 through 720 (of 6,438 total)
  • Author
    • #405179

      Hello all,

      My name is Stewart. Realizing the being Jewish is by no means a prerequisite for gaining additional understanding, I mention it just the same.  I am looking forward to gaining some new insight as to what being human means.


    • #405178

      Hi there everyone. This is Be ready to enjoy this community from Madrid (Spain)

    • #405167

      Shalom Shalom everyone!

      I’m Dan from Massachusetts, I’ m happy to be here and thank you for having me. I hope to delve into the esoteric teachings of Kabbalah and to apply its principles in my daily living. I also hope to learn from all of you who are participating..!!

    • #405149

      Hello. I’m Orit from the UK. I have dual nationality of Israeli and the UK. I’m married and now retired from hospital work.

    • #405135


      I am Janet from Calgary, Canada

    • #405130
      Elisheva Grinberg

      Hello everyone my name is Elisheva I am here to learn as I am new to Kabbalah I am a Russian Jew am half Romanian and Russian living in Manchester United Kingdom I have one son and another kid on its way  is my pleasure meet you all here

Viewing 6 posts - 715 through 720 (of 6,438 total)
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